
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Energy Stew - How do you purposely explore the nature of your consciousness?
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
We're talking again with Shelli Joye who can help us understand how our lives function amidst the consciousness of our reality. We'll talk about the writings of ancient mystic scientists who were as dedicated as the material scientists of today. Even thousands of years ago, they asked the deepest questions about the nature of awareness and how to best live with it. So much of that exploration is missing in this very material world as our consciousness is taken for granted as a product of our minds. So let's ask that question about who is really awake in us and how does that being experience itself. Who do we know is in us that we haven't labeled as the conditioned person we've been taught we are? What if we're a lot bigger than that? Shelli will also talk about tantric nature and how her own life embodies the intertwining of yin and yang. Shelli Renee Joye, is the author of "Tantric Psychophysics" and takes both a philosophical and scientific approach to help us find our way. It's wonderful to speak with someone who has such profound understandings of non-dual and dual awareness.
Here is another opportunity to hear from one of the most profound guests we've had on Energy Stew. Shelli has a scientific understanding of the different realms of consciousness both in the explicate and implicate worlds. It's fascinating to hear her talk about the great thinkers and scientists who have been the pioneers of deeper thought. Shelii can straddle all worlds as a spiritual scientist with a great grasp of eastern and western forays into the mysteries of life. She has been a dedicated student of the work of Rudolf Steiner, Patanjali, John Lilly and many others. Be sure to tune into this interview with Shelli Joye to learn more about the consciousness process. We'll talk about getting the most out of the reality we live in but haven't been entirely aware of.

Friday Jul 10, 2020
Energy Stew - What is really true in today's world?
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
We are living in a world with many stories we're supposed to believe and it's hard to know who to trust. There is so much that we question and often to others we are in strong disagreement with. Most people are not examining the information they are fed by the authorities of one major camp or another and do their best to cooperate with mainstream ideas and actions. Some of us are natural questioners and regularly stir the pot of "normalcy". Ole Dammegard is a world famous conspiracy investigator and dives into stories that might appear beyond belief. In this interview, we're going to talk about hidden forces at play in this world and what their purposes are. What kind of world are we living in that we might not have imagined? We all have to create our own opinions and it's better to be the most knowledgeable we can. What are the truths you're willing to believe or not?
It's a treat to speak with Ole Dammegard who is a powerful, sacrificing investigator of most of the conspiracies we hear about. He lives in great danger to expose what he believes are the hidden dangers in the world that we're living with. Tune in to hear this very unique guest who has amazing information to talk about.

Friday Jul 03, 2020
Energy Stew - Ron Damico talks about the ultimate truth we need to realize
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Ron Damico is a fascinating spiritual guide, an innate healer and an "architect for the new human consciousness". He has many wonderful insights about the awakening time we're in and how to identify ourselves within it. It's important for us to learn about the truths of our journey here and what the underlying purposes are and strengths we bring with us. Ron's spiritual work brings him into deep understandings of Universal life and how each of us need to choose our paths forward.
I'm so glad we can speak with Ron Damico about his great insights into our true natures and the purposes of our lives especially at this pivotal time in our history. Join us to hear Ron discuss the truths about our journeys that he's come to realize.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Stephen Popiotek is one of the more unique souls on this planet. He's able to tap into many higher frequencies and realities most of us have never heard of or know very little about. He works with information about how energy patterns are affecting us in all dimensions, especially those we're familiar with and being exposed to every day. The information he delivers is so helpful for our greater awareness and we can have a much deeper and solid sense of this time we've been exposed to. How do we manage our unique soul paths in light of the soul paths of our communities? How are they strengthened or endangered by the many powers that be? Stephen can enlighten us about the many forces at play on all sides and their hidden agendas.

Friday Jun 19, 2020
Energy Stew - What are your souls telling you to do now?
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Are we all in a breakdown in order to break through? Is this the time our souls have been waiting for in order to live closer to our purposes? Catherine Carrigan, the author of many best sellers including her new book, "Reading the Soul", will talk with us about the new opportunities we are all in. Maybe the turmoil in today's society will be the impetus to find our truest natures. We might not have thought we'd need such severe situations to chart better courses but here we all are and wondering what's next. This is the time to listen more deeply to our souls. Don't miss this great chance to hear from Catherine about the potentials of today.
Join us for a talk on our soul's journey at this time in human travails. We're being asked to travel deep into our unique soul needs and purposes and learn how we're to travel forward. Catherine Carrigan is a soul reader and can help us hear from this better part of ourselves.

Friday Jun 12, 2020
Energy Stew - How would seeing your future self inspire you today?
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020

Friday May 29, 2020
Energy Stew - Judy Satori will de-mystify the idea of ascension
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020

Friday May 22, 2020
Energy Stew - Can we blame "normal" for getting us into this mess today?
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
After 40 years in service as a Christian Minister, Jim Willis and his wife decided to head for the woods of S Carolina so he could spend some time "wrestling with God". Turns out, it was a magical place and while doing some deep meditation, found himself traveling beyond his normal consciousness. His great journey has brought him into the deeper questions of life and to seek understandings about our purposes and fulfillments we're to achieve for being here. Jim can help us to better find our way and allow the powers that are playing out give us signs that we can use. We can learn a lot more about who we are as we settle into new purposes amid new realizations. One of his recent books is, "The Quantum Akashic Field" and two others are "Lost Civilizations" and "Hidden History".
Jim Willis is a fascinating man. He comes from a conservative background and then discovered larger worlds available through the timeless implicate Universe. For this show, Jim wants to help us understand how to better relate to the competing energies seeking our attention in this chaotic time. How do we find the right paths for ourselves and fulfill our souls tasks. Tune in to hear Jim's wise words as he can help us see how to make this life a "mission accomplished"

Friday May 15, 2020
Energy Stew - How do your birth cards play out in relationships?
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
There's always more to know about the way cards work in our lives. Alexander and I have done many shows about them and now we're adding another guest who will help us learn more. We're always playing our birth cards anyway so let's find out how our lives are guided by them. Alexander's new wife, Viki Scudiery, has also become a card expert so I thought it would work well to have them talk about their relationship and the role cards have played for them. We'll have a lot of new insights when we hear how cards attract us to each other and how they can help or harm our relationships. You can learn about your own card by going to Alexander's WEBSITE and put in your birth date. It'll immediately show you your birth card. Alexander Dunlop, the author of "Play Your Cards Right", is a great ambassador of this amazing system and you'll love his and his wife's insights into each one.