
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Energy Stew - How is time experienced in higher dimensions?
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Many of us believe in life on the other side and have had many experiences to shore up that belief. Some people have had Near Death Experiences or hypnotic regressions back into life between lives. Some have had lucid dreams and others might have had astral travels. Some people have had teachings about it and others might just have a natural knowing. It fascinates me to understand how life can be conducted on the other side. What does it look like and how do we connect and communicate with others there? Among my questions, I've tried to understand how time is experienced there. How do they keep track of time? How could they have clocks? It's apparently a non-local space so where would its time location be? I've asked Terri Lynn Segal to pose that question to her brother on the other side and with and for whom she wrote her book, "Never Parted".

Friday Feb 22, 2019
Energy Stew - Let's examine the experience of universal consciousness
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Christian de Quncey is back again to talk about the consciousness we all live within and the way it functions in our lives and beyond. It allows us to create meaningfulness and gives us purpose to pursue the evolution of life. Consciousness is where we start but it's how we use it that creates the form of who we are. This form is our story. When we understand how we create ourselves, we can better choose how to enhance and refine our stories. Christian has looked at these deep understandings in his book, "Deep Spirit, Cracking the Noetic Code" and has so much to contribute to our self-realization. Science has been in denial of consciousness and is trying to figure out life without it. Too bad for them that quantum physics came along and has challenged their limitations.
I love shows about consciousness and Christian de Quincey is the best author to talk about it. His life is directed to help us learn more about this rich topic so tune into this show and learn more about it for yourself.

Friday Feb 15, 2019
Energy Stew - An exploration of universal consciousness
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
We're going to look at human consciousness and its multi-dimensional aspects. What is our awareness capable of? What dimensions can we truly experience? Dr. Melvin Morse, has vast experience working with people who have had Near Death Experiences and this opened up a whole new world to him about the scope and potentiality of our experiences. What is our mind capable of? Do we really know who we are? If so, what part of us are we thinking about? Maybe it's just our ego that wants to decide. This is an ongoing exploration and there's so much to talk about on this show..

Friday Feb 08, 2019
Energy Stew - The Human Design System has clear predictions about 2019
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Every year, Human Design produces a chart describing the traits of the year. It's from a map that shows when the Sun arrives at the 41st hexagram of the Chinese I'Ching in the 1st chakra of initiation. It's when the year really gets started. We look at the particular hexagrams that are brought into play each year and even the particular lines of each hexagram. These describe very particular traits that will be

Friday Feb 01, 2019
Energy Stew - Cracking the Noetic Code
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Consciousness is really all we've got that sticks with us. The choice is how well we use it. When we understand its nature we can become even super human. Science has been in denial of consciousness and is trying to figure out life without it. Too bad for them that quantum physics came along and has challenged their limitations. Christian de Quincey has written this wonderful novel, "Deep Spirit, Cracking the Noetic Code" to show us what our potential can really be. It's an exciting action journey to reveal the power of consciousness and the people who don't understand human potential and the underlying principle of oneness that it represents. Christian is a renowned author who's an international authority about consciousness and holds a university professorship for it.
I love shows about consciousness and Christian de Quincey is the best author to talk about it. His life is directed to help us learn more about this rich topic so tune into this show and learn more about it for yourself.

Monday Jan 28, 2019
Energy Stew - Is our culture losing its integrity?
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
We all want to live in an honorable society yet are faced with so many things every day that can't be fully trusted. How much can we believe? Often, people need to fabricate stories for their convenience or for loyalty to someone or something that might not hold our best interest. So many choices we make need discernment about nuances of right and wrong. Can we always satisfy everyone? If not, who gets sacrificed and to what degree is trust broken? Of course there are explicit promises we make but there are so many more implied promises where trust can get lost. Stuart Brody has written a very important book, "The Law of Small Things", about the challenge of living in truth and the need to build a stronger culture of trust.

Friday Jan 18, 2019
Energy Stew - Are you born to live multi-dimensionally?
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Many children are born with extra-sensory abilities and experiences but not all find their use later in life. Laura Powers has made use of these powers and is fulfilling their potential. We all do have multi-dimensional abilities although it's not apparent to most and they haven't learned how to tune into them. For some of us, it's much easier and we can make a life of it. Laura certainly is living in the fullness of angelic energies and is using them to help many people. She has fascinating things to say about her unusual life and how it has brought her to this place.

Friday Jan 11, 2019
Energy Stew - A scientific study of near death experiences
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Many of you have heard about near death experiences and some of you might have had one (or even two). It appears that a majority of people who have come very close to death have had them. They generally need to be without vital functions for a short time, including brain activity. It's more common nowadays for people to be revived so there are many more who have had them. Dr. Melvin Moore, as a pediatrician, was working in a children's hospital and discovered this happening to children, often during their operations and sometimes being brought in following an accident. Many were keeping them to themselves as they felt too awkward to reveal the exotic nature of what happened to them.

Friday Jan 04, 2019
Energy Stew - Forecasting 2019 - What are its energies?
Friday Jan 04, 2019
Friday Jan 04, 2019
This new year will have its own personality and we'll be immersed in it. Maybe it's a good idea to uncover some of the energy patterns at play for the year. Alexander Dunlop and I will examine the major themes for 2019 and you'll be amazed at how understandable and predictive they are. I was very surprised to see what showed up and how clear these patterns explain themselves.

Friday Dec 28, 2018
Energy Stew - Where will you find sacredness this new year?
Friday Dec 28, 2018
Friday Dec 28, 2018
In this new year, we'll all need to discover or enhance the more peaceful nature that resides in us. We're in stressful times but there are many compartments within ourselves to handle life in different ways. Perhaps the most important is our peaceful center so we can collect ourselves and live in more light. This takes mindfulness to find the presence of being while in chaotic times. Bill Dennis is a retreat leader and helps people find their inner vibes that sustain them. He'll be speaking with us while on his current trip to India where he's working with homeopaths. Some of you might remember him as a founder of the old East West Bookstore in Manhattan.