
Friday May 24, 2019
Energy Stew - How much do you know about ascension?
Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
So many of us are expecting an ascension that can lift us out of the stuckness we're experiencing. It seems humanity doesn't have any answers to its current state of chaos and the world appears to be heading in the wrong direction. Everyone wants change but there's no agreement about it and extreme elements seem to be gaining power. Maybe this is the only way to clear out the old but not an easy way to bring in the new. Judy Satori is an expert about the esoteric nature of life and has a lot to say about the ascension process we seem to be in but not convincingly yet.

Monday May 20, 2019
Energy Stew - Experience the bridge between worlds
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019

Friday May 10, 2019
Energy Stew - Does your soul really choose its tragedies?
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
We learn so much from regressive hypnosis and looking back in time to see where we've been and what we've done. We can obtain an almost endless history of past lives and souls who have traveled with us. One of the most meaningful experiences is traveling back to our life between lifetimes. Most people have no idea that we can actually experience being in meetings before we were born and see how we were planning for this life. What does it feel like to be with souls and advisors you haven't met in this life but know deeply from you past soul journeys? On the other side, we're with guides and counselors who help us look back to see how we've grown from a previous life and help us look forward to see what options can await in a subsequent life. We really do make plans for our future lives and even make agreements with other souls who'll be there with us. What will their jobs be? Sometimes they're responsible for the tragedies in our lives.

Friday May 03, 2019
Friday May 03, 2019
Our guest, Dr. Melvin Morse, became a leading expert and author about Near Death Experiences before he was sentenced to jail. We're going to talk with him about how people's lives are often completely turned around after having an NDE (or other interruptions) and what life then goes on to mean to them. His life was completely turned around by his prison ordeal and he has much to say about this experience. There are many advanced souls in prison and Melvin has a lot to tell us about his deep journey with them. When you understand the nature of NDE's you can have a much greater perspective about the meanings of life.

Friday Apr 19, 2019
Energy Stew - How important is healing in your life?
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Healing is an important subject matter to so many of us but what can we really expect of it? What do we actually think it can do? Sometimes it can be very magical and other times can be disappointing but at least it gives us hope. For many, even the placebo can be powerful. In this show, Steve Gottlieb and I will talk about the concept of healing, its value and also the misconceptions around it. Maybe healing can be understood in so many different contexts that it's hard to know how to define it beyond "getting better".
Have you been healed? Are you seeking healing? What has it done for you and what do you expect of it? What do you think about when the word comes to mind? - your body, your relationships, your mind? Maybe you think of friends you believe can use it. So many people just want their pains to go away. Are we looking for deeper solutions or just a quick fix? Maybe we just need a little stroking. Buddha said that life was all about suffering and maybe we just have to learn how to deal with it. But wait a minute! What if we can overcome it? Isn't that what we're all trying to do? So, let's address healing as the answer. Then what comes next? What do we do? It turns out there are a lot of healers in the world and also healing tools. Maybe we're in luck. How much of it is really effective and what effect will satisfy us? There's a lot to talk about, so join Steve Gottlieb and me and listen to this conversation about a subject you might really care about.

Friday Apr 05, 2019
Energy Stew - What are the limits to your mind?
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
We're always thinking but who's doing it? Are we our thoughts? What's behind them? Maybe who we are is not about the way our thoughts define us but about the consciousness that brings awareness to our thinking. Maybe the journey is about getting to know ourselves through the use of our mind and expanded mind exploring this world. Science doesn't know how to relate to consciousness because it doesn't know how to find it in our material brains. It thinks it's just a by-product of brain function. So, to them, our brain and our thoughts are all there is to our self-knowing. Maybe our self-knowing works on two levels. One is our constant awakeness and the other is what we learn from it. So which comes first? If we just focus on the brain and how our brain describes us and our life, then we're stuck with the limitations science has explained about the brain. Perhaps if we delve into the potential energies of consciousness, we can find more opportunity to explore a greater part of ourselves in the Universe.
Mark Gober has written a wonderful book, "An End to Upside Down Thinking", and explores all the ways our minds and souls can know themselves. This is a comprehensive book that looks at so many abilities our consciousness can realize. He also explains the limited thinking that has left the scientific world with such limited knowledge about us and our abilities. Tune in to see why Mark and his book are getting such fanfare in the world. He's done a great job of describing the expansiveness of ourselves and the opportunities we have for personal growth and for our civilization.

Friday Mar 29, 2019
Energy Stew - Do you think your soul has been following a plan?
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Don't you feel like you're just making it up as you go along? Aren't you dealing with life as it arises and have no idea what's coming next? Maybe your soul knows better and you're following a plan it set up before you were born. You don't even realize that so much of your life was arranged ahead of time. Oh what a surprise that you meet many of the important people in your life. Maybe your soul wasn't surprise at all and only sees that the plan is being followed. For so many people, this is a new concept and how do we even know it's true? When you do a life between lifetimes hypnotic regression, you get to see yourself choosing and making plans for this life. You'll be surprised at the particulars of the plans that were made. Robert Schwartz has studied this phenomena and his book "Your Soul's Plan, Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born", describes all the details that our souls go through to get ready for your birth. He's also written the book, "Your Soul's Gift, The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born".

Friday Mar 22, 2019
Energy Stew - Many of you have had interplanetary lives
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019

Friday Mar 15, 2019
Energy Stew - Have you identified your soul frequency?
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
It feels like we do a lot of bumping around in life and are subject to so many elements that pull us here and there. Maybe we're not seeing how we can influence the factors at play. I don't think most of us can realize our power to create a more satisfying life. Where do we find that power? How about if we can tune into our soul frequency that knows just what can work or not for us? Perhaps it's like an antenna that reveals when the vibes are right for the choices we need to make. It's not just a measurement tool for alignment but has a power to connect to the greater universe and attract the solutions we're looking for. Shanna Lee has written a wonderful book, "The Soul Frequency" to show how you can identify your own correct attunements and change your program to work so much better.
Shanna Lee's book, "The Soul Frequency", is a great tool to identify so many aspects of your life that you need to work on. Create better alignment with a frequency that can speak to you every day to see and feel what's correct for you. This inner sense is like having radar along with a big magnet to work with amazing powers in life. You can have magic moments regularly. Tune in to the show and get a sense as to how you can feel this special frequency.

Friday Mar 08, 2019
Energy Stew - Here's an exciting new Destiny Card discovery
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Friday Mar 08, 2019
The deck of cards holds many keys to our personalities and soul journeys. We've had many shows about them and they've become familiar to a lot of our audience. There's always more to talk about with the cards we're born to. Now there's a whole new slant to look at as Alexander Dunlop, the author of "Play Your Cards Right", has uncovered a hidden card that he calls a Synergy Card. This is a theme playing in the background of our lives kind of as a harmonic. Everyone is capable of using the math sequence of the deck to uncover their own Synergy Card. It brings two primary cards of yours together that numerically total up to a third card. This can also be extremely helpful in understanding the purpose of each relationship we're in as we can combine the cards of both people.