
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Sky is back and this time we're talking about how to use his scientific method to make life meet our goals better. Most of us feel like we have plans and then bump around trying to make progress. Maybe there's a more deliberate way to make life work in our favor that really makes sense. This is a fascinating study of how life can be better managed to reach our end game. Wouldn't we all love to know how to become more effective? Sky can spell this out for us and I think our lives can flow better from hearing what he has to say. He'll be teaching some upcoming workshops on using his science in your life. Sky Nelson-Isaacs, the author of "Living in Flow", has studied it for many years so it's great to hear from someone who has a deeper understanding about getting the flow to work more powerfully.
The interest to create increased synchronicity in our lives is more available through the science that Sky can demonstrate. This show will be a great opportunity to learn how to manage your life better to get better results. Don't miss this chance to have life flow more powerfully for you.

Friday Dec 13, 2019
Energy Stew - How emotionally free are you during the holidays?
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Dr. Dravon James is the founder of Everyday Peace and the author of "Freedom is Your Birthright". We're going to talk about how our emotions are conditioned in life and we're not necessarily free to express ourselves honestly to others and ourselves too. We need to find inner freedom to live in our greater purpose and this isn't always easy to do. We first need to understand what holds us back. Often, it's just about having enough self-belief. This time of year, we're faced with many emotional questions as it pushes us to behave in ways that aren't often comfortable. Most families are dysfunctional in some way or more and we're put to the test. Do we know ourselves well enough to navigate through this season? Can we stay grounded and optimum?
Dr. Dravon James has written a wonderful book about the freedom to be ourselves, "Freedom is Your birthright". She has wonderful insights about our emotional paths and how we can hold them better. This is a time of year when we want to stay as balanced as possible. Tune into this show to gain insights about the holiday journey we're all headed into whether you'll be with others or alone. The more grounded and aware we can be, the more joy and fulfillment we can create.

Friday Dec 06, 2019
Energy Stew - How are our souls doing?
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Annette Rugolo, the author of "Soul Whisperer" is back to talk about the nature of our souls and how they appear in our lives. Are we following our soul's purpose and fulfilling its needs or are we caught up on the wheel of life and have taken detours for other purposes? If so, how do we think our life is going? Maybe it looks good and our egos are satisfied. We're going to dig into the nature of our soul journeys and how they get revealed to us (or not). Maybe we're right on target, but what if we're not? This will be a fascinating discussion of who our souls are and who we are in relationship to them. Certainly we all have souls but are we our souls? There are so many questions about this deeper nature of life that so few people are aware of. I'm glad to find someone who can talk about it so well.

Friday Nov 29, 2019
Energy Stew - Humor is the opportunity to lighten out lives
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Steve Bhaearman enlightens audiences with his humor as Swami Beyondananda. I recently saw him perform in NY and was in constant laughter. He has a great act!! I've asked him to be on the show and talk about the importance of humor and how it can change us. I've always believed comedians are among the wisest and have deep understandings about life. Steve is one of those and his humor certainly reflects it. We're also going to talk about how humor can give us new ways of thinking and perhaps resolve our differences.

Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Energy Stew - GANS plasma water will change the life of the planet
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Don't miss this show to hear from Dr. Paul and Lynn about their work and the experiences they've had with this fascinating new chemistry. They can really change our lives and I'm thrilled to talk with them to find out how much can be done to overcome our physical, mental and emotional limitations. Here's a LINK to their website.

Friday Nov 08, 2019
Energy Stew - Have you identified the children of the fifth world?
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
We are in changing times and the new generations are being born to actualize them. So many children are designed for a new kind of world and are speaking the language of it. Us older folk have been bumping around and haven't done the best job of creating a society and supporting a planet that is needed for a successful future. There really is great hope for the future as so many children are born to be different than us. They don't speak the same language. It's not that they're attacking the old ways so much as they're inventing new realities. It comes naturally to them in ways that many of us might think are unnatural. P.M.H. Atwater has written a wonderful book about these changing times and changing people. There is a different consciousness that she writes about.

Friday Nov 01, 2019
Energy Stew - Have you heard about the powers of GANS plasma water?
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
This is a breakthrough health opportunity that can change the quality of life for the entire planet. It's a discovery by an Iranian scientist, Mehran Keshe, who has developed new states of matter called GANS (gas in an atomic nano solid state) which turns normal metals into healing solutions. Dr. Paul and Lynn Schmaltz, who live in Montana, have worked diligently to create powerful plasma water for our individual health purposes using the mono-atomic structure of this discovery. They're dedicated to provide new opportunities to move beyond our limited physical conditions and more.
Don't miss this show to hear from Dr. Paul and Lynn about their work and the experiences they've had with this fascinating new chemistry. They can really change our lives and I'm thrilled to talk with them to find out how much can be done to change our physical, mental and emotional limitations. Here's a LINK to their website.

Monday Oct 28, 2019
Energy Stew - How well can you trust synchronicity?
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Stephen G. Post, as a young man, had many repetitive dreams about seeing another young man hanging over a ledge and the dream told him "If you save him, you too will be saved". There was also a blue angel who appeared in these dreams. His life became colored by this dream and instead of following his plans for college, he headed off into the unknown starting on Route 80. All kinds of synchronities developed to bring him onto the Golden Gate Bridge at night to find this young man hanging over the ledge and was able to save him. The synchronicities didn't stop and he became strongly directed to a spiritual life as a minister and now teaches at the Stony Brook Medical School as a Doctor of Divinity. His book, "God and Love on Route 80" is a fascinating story of his adventures that had a life of their own.
Stephen G. Post has had a fascinating life driven by a spiritual vision and the willingness to follow it in very daring ways. His book, "God and Love on Route 80", is a recounting of the many times synchronicity showed up in surprising ways that led him from one opportunity to another. Tune in to hear about an amazing life venture and how we can all appreciate how synchroniicities are always at play in our lives..

Friday Oct 18, 2019
Energy Stew - Can our souls become lost once this life is over?
Friday Oct 18, 2019
Friday Oct 18, 2019
So many of us understand that we are souls embodied in human life and when the life is over, the soul returns to its origin. This usually happens smoothly and we can move home to a higher dimension where many former friends and family will greet us. Not all souls have this smooth transition and many can get stuck in this dimension for many reasons. Annette Rugolo, the author of "Soul Whisperer, Releasing Lost Souls" is soul helper and attracts lost souls as they see she can create portals for them to move on to where they should have gone in the first place. She has many fascinating stories to tell about this. There are all kinds of reasons why souls get trapped here and stories about how they get found and helped.

Friday Oct 11, 2019
Energy Stew - Is chaos a strategy you can live with?
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
A recent survey showed that many people are in favor of chaos as a means of change. Kevin Arceneaux and a couple of other professors from Denmark interviewed thousands of people with questions about their attitudes of current society. It surprised them that there were so many people with extremely negative opinions who showed a "Need for Chaos". There were also many who just wanted everything to burn down and hope to be among the few survivors. I think this shows why so many people can support bad government if they see it as self-destructive.
Kevin Arceneaux is a Political Science Professor at Temple University and his joint study about chaos was recently featured in The New York Times. This interview will look at the results of that study and the extreme discontent felt by many people who would prefer to destroy the established democratic "cosmos". Be sure to tune in and build a better understanding of the complex opposition to the progress we're seeking.