
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Energy Stew - This Is The Best Known Medicinal Substance
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Can you imagine having a totally free product that will powerfully fulfill your health needs?
It's an ancient remedy and is known for its amazing abilities. People have even been brought back from their death beds when using it.
It's your own urine and is not a waste product and doesn't contain toxins. It does contain over 2500 nutrients including your own stem cells. Of course, most people are squeemish about it but it's only due to a lack of knowledge.
If there's a shortage of food and even water, you can drink your urine and be sustained by it for long periods of time.
It also has great topical uses and can get rid of most skin conditions.
You also can beneficially put drops in your eyes, nose and ears.
Dr. Edward Group is an expert about it and even teaches workshops for it.
Tune in to hear his wonderful knowledge about this amazing substance.

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Energy Stew - Spiritual Freedom in the Digital Age
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
The distractions of the digital age can disturb our relative peace. It speeds up our lives and makes them much more complicated.
How much of our virtual lives can we surrender to create more tranquility?
What are the detriments and opportunities that this new age brings to our spiritual path?
Jason Gregory leads a dedicated spiritual life and has given great thought to the distractions of our time.
His new book, "Spiritual Freedom in the Digital Age" is a wonderful guide to manage our deeper reality.
Tune in on Friday morning or listen to the archive to hear from my favorite spiritual master

Saturday Apr 02, 2022
Energy Stew - Deborah Roth Talks with Me About the Divine Feminine
Saturday Apr 02, 2022
Saturday Apr 02, 2022
I've always been fascinated watching my wife, Deborah Roth's journey to discover the growing importance of Goddess nature in our changing world and how we must all embrace and share Divine Feminine qualtiies to have a wiser future.
Old stereotypes that limited our progress are melting away and we need to look at our evolving lives through new prisms.
Deborah's work is to appreciate the heritage of the Goddess through our history in order to know her richness and to finally realize she is part of us all.

Friday Mar 25, 2022
Energy Stew - Let’s Examine Alternative Medicine Possibilities
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
"Beyond Medicine" is a very comprehensive study of many alternative ways to support health and inner peace.
Patricia Muehsam is back for another interview about her special work. She's a doctor in New York who has had many life trials that have brought her to new understandings about the journey to well being.
I loved reading her book and found a lot of helpful information for my own healing journey.
Tune in to a great interview with a very wise doctor.

Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Energy Stew - 03.18.22
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Life surrounds us with geometries that give it particular form. Some of these forms can be true power tools for us.
Nature's fractal beauty is miraculous and the more we attune to it, the better our energies become.
Tika Vales Caldwell has been a lifelong student of these ideal forms and has realized how we can harness them for our greater good. I've known Tika for some decades and have always been impressed about her dedication to create and develop tools to help us all.
Tune into this insightful interview when Tika expounds on the natural sciences of life and helps us tune in better to ideal form.
You can visit her website at Living Design Techology.

Friday Mar 11, 2022
Energy Stew - Discover The Divine Mission You’re Here To Fulfill
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Sandra Mendelson, the author of "We Walk Beside You, Animal Messages for an Awakening World", is back again to talk about manifesting your greater self.
She usually brings us messages from different species about life but this time, she asked them for input and got no response. What does this mean about who she is? She realized that it's a good time to look deeper into her soul journey to discover her deeper purposes and the serendipitous unfoldings of her life.
It's not that she found a new career (all the pets that she helps people with keep talking with her) but it's a time for her and all of us to look into how our sense of mission transpires and leads us into our futur

Friday Mar 04, 2022
Energy Stew - Can You Become The Instrument? Interview With Kenny Werner
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Where does the magic in music come from. Is it the musician? Is it the instrument?
Kenny Werner, a born prodigy to music, doesn't have the answer yet he's a great teacher so what is he teaching if he doesn't know.
He learned early on that he was most truly himself when he was playing and in a sense let the instrument play him.
It's really about getting out of your own way and not judge the results you get. The job is to become free.
He also believes you have to work hard developing your skills but also in a fashion that provides the space to fail.
Tune in to this wonderful interview with Kenny to hear his wisdom about "Becoming the Instrument".

Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD has a wonderful new book, "Into the Nothing, A Spiritual Autobiography" that has enriched teachings about following a spiritual path. He's had an amazing life and is a wonderful role model to find the optimal conditions for spiritual liberation.
In this interview, we'll talk about his history of being a mystical explorer and how we can follow that path too.
We'll also talk about what "nothing" means.
This will be quite a profound interview.

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Energy Stew - Their Birth Cards Show Why And How People Hold Judgment Of You
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
There's always more to know about the way cards work in our lives. Alexander and I have done many shows about them. He's back again to analyze how the cards reveal why people hold the judgments they have about you.
You're always playing your birth cards anyway so let's find out how they influence the way they see you.
The cards explain how our personalities function and we look at life through them. Therefore, we look at others through them. Of course, we all expect the world to operate in how we're designed to function in it. It's the language of life that we speak.
We also want the world to speak back to us in our known reality but people have different cards and thus speak different languages of life.
It's too easy to judge people who operate so differently than us.
In this interview, Alexander Dunlop, our card expert, will explain how our judgments are so influenced. We'll look at many cards and how they do this.
You can learn about your own card by going to Alexander's WEBSITE and put in your birth date. It'll immediately show you your birth card.
Alexander Dunlop, the author of "Play Your Cards Right", is a great ambassador of this amazing system

Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
What is waterbending? How is it helpful?
Anahata Holly Hallowell performs amazing magic with water and you can too. Waterbending is the way we program water to be an important tool for health and consciousness.
Water holds memory and informs all the cells in your body. What information do you want your cells to have? It's your choice how to program your water and transform your life.
Tune in to hear about this magical medium and how to become your own magician.
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