
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Energy Stew - Here's some more insight from the angels
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
We talk a lot about angels but how many people have had active conversations with them? How are they heard, and how do we know exactly who we're hearing from? Adria Estribou is back on the show to let the angels tell us more. We have some important questions for them to answer. What kind of information can they give us? How far seeing are they? Certainly, if you're a non-believer, you won't even listen to the interview with her. But, maybe listening will end up making you a believer. You can also hear Adria's mindset about what she hears.

Monday Jul 29, 2019
Energy Stew - What are the challenges you've been born to?
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019

Friday Jul 19, 2019
Energy Stew - Have you caught up with time yet?
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Christian de Quncey is back again and we'll be talking about how we understand and experience the passage of time. Is it truly an illusion that we've created? We only learn about time from conditioning as children. What is time before it's taught to us? Certainly our clocks are always running but are they measuring time or just the passage of it? How does it relate to our experience of it? Where does time actually get measured? Maybe it's so relative that it can't be measured. We can only be in it. Yes, time is from here to there and we can keep track of it through our experience yet we often lose that track depending on what we are doing. How about throwing out our clocks? What difference will that make?

Friday Jul 12, 2019
Energy Stew - How can angels be helping us?
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019

Friday Jul 05, 2019
Energy Stew - Is our culture losing respect for truth?
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
What are your intentions about living in truth? Are you clear about the truths you believe in? We all have our priorities. Many people only want to respect ideas (true or not) that support their lifestyles and their associations. For this second interview with Stuart Brody, we're going to talk about the distortions of reality that propaganda and fear have created and make this an unstable world. It's hard to be confident of the future when we see so many people who are unable to identify truth. Maybe fear is clouding their ability for discernment and wisdom. Perhaps truth is more apparent than some of us realize but our society is asking many people to ignore the greater good in favor of their tribal associations such as greedy corporations and political parties. Stuart Brody has written a very important book, "The Law of Small Things", about the challenge of living in truth and the need to build a stronger culture of trust.

Friday Jun 28, 2019
Energy Stew - Living in flow & synchronicity interview
Friday Jun 28, 2019
Friday Jun 28, 2019
How can we best live in flow and what does it do for us? Many of us think that flow is what we meditate and do yoga for. Of course that's true but maybe there's flow moving in our lives all the time and we just don't know enough about it. Perhaps everyone should be taught about the power of flow that's always at work and learn how to flow with it better. Ideally in life, we don't need to ever think about it as it's just a natural way of being. Sky Nelson-Isaacs, the author of "Living in Flow", has studied it for many years so it's great to hear from someone who has a deeper understanding. You'll be amazed at how synchronicity works with flow and how powerful that is in your life but you're not always conscious of it.

Monday Jun 24, 2019
Energy Stew - Would you like a detailed life review?
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Near Death Experiences have become quite numerous mostly due to science being able to bring us back from them more readily nowadays. They can even put us into them more confidently with sophisticated medical procedures. Thousands of people have described their experiences and there are a lot of common themes. One of them is the opportunity to have a detailed life review. It's more than just looking at times in our past. We can actually choose to climb into the experiences both from our own vantage point and into the experiences other people were having with us. These NDEs can really give us more perspective about our behavior in the past and realizations about how to improve ourselves. David Sunfellow, the author of "The Purpose of Life", has made a deep study of these "other side" journeys that so many people have had.

Friday Jun 14, 2019
Energy Stew - Are you a liminal dreamer?
Friday Jun 14, 2019
Friday Jun 14, 2019
Our entire dreamworld is a fascinating place and we often don't pay enough attention to it, especially before and after sleep when we're in a drifting place and have in-between dreams. This is called a liminal state and those dreams are harder to focus on and remember as they're not in the normal brainwave frequencies of sleep consciousness. They're not as personal as our normal ones and we're generally not emotionally involved in them although they can show and tell us a lot. It's a fascinating realm to explore and Jennifer Dumpert, the author of "Liminal Dreaming, Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep", is a long studied expert about them. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about a state of consciousness that you're often in but haven't heard much about before.
Join us to explore an aspect of dreaming that you likely haven't heard much, if anything, about it before. Liminal dreaming happens just before you fall off to sleep or in the morning just after you wake up. These are also called hypnogogia or hypnopompia states of mind. There's a scientific study behind all natures of dreaming and this is the least known but universally active in our lives. Jennifer Dumpert has studied this for many years and has great information to share with us on the show. Be sure to tune in.

Friday Jun 07, 2019
Energy Stew - Maybe none of us are speaking the same language
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Christian de Quncey is back again and we'll be talking about how we're all uniquely wired and understand things in different ways. What language are we speaking and how do we find agreement? We think language is a great way to communicate our truths but somehow they often get lost in translation. No matter how we express ourselves, other people don't necessarily hear it the way we think they should. How can we get over this gap and make it an easier world to get along in? Unfortunately, there are many people who use this problem to their advantage and manipulate ideas that distort public values. We need to understand our vulnerabilities as humans and maybe we can learn to listen better (as a starter).

Monday Jun 03, 2019
Energy Stew - How to successfully live a spiritual life in a material world
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Many people feel that spirituality and materiality don't get along so well. Those living a material oriented life often make that their god and have little room for spirituality. On the other side, many people who are spiritually oriented don't necessarily have a strong footprint in the material world. People can even be in denial of materiality and expect those who are spiritual to live more like monks. I've often been told not to charge money for the spiritual work I do. Anna Gatmon's book "Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World" is very helpful to many who are juggling both worlds.
I find it's wonderful to be drawn to a spiritual life and spend a great deal of time in appreciation of that world. There are monks who live in retreat for years at a time. How then are our material needs met? Also, can't we also find spiritual expression in the material world? I'll be talking with Anna Gatmon, the author of "Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World" to see what kind of balance can be created between the two. Be sure to tune in to this show that'll bring both sides together so we can follow a stronger path in both directions.