
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Energy Stew - Can we communicate with the other side?
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Karen Frances McCarthy had a terrible tragedy happen in her life. Her fiance suddenly died while she was traveling for business. Even while she was in unfamiliar territory out of town, serendipitous events brought her to places where she learned that he was still around but in another dimension and could give her clear signs of his presence. She was astounded that strangers could hear and identify him. It woke her up to an expanded reality she'd been unaware of. The more she researched this phenomena, the more real it became and found that she also had gifts of connecting with the other side. She embarked on a totally new path in her life to help people know they haven't fully lost their loved ones. Her book, "Till Death Don't Us Part, A True Story of Awakening to Love After Life" describes her fascinating journey.
Losing loved ones isn't as hard when we know they're still alive but in another dimension that we can make contact with. It doesn't remove our grief yet it certainly helps us feel better about their future and the greater love that we share. Karen Frances McCarthy lost a loved one and, to her surprise, she was able to make contact with him across dimensions. Her book, "Till Death Don't Us Part", is the amazing journey she found herself on to learn about life after death. Don't miss this interview where she'll talk about her discoveries and where they have taken her ever since. It's a larger Universe than we ever imagined.

Friday Sep 18, 2020
Energy Stew - What's your relationship to Native Americans?
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Randy Kritkausky knew he had some Native American ancestry but for most of his life, it was in the background. At one point, his ancestors started calling on him through the insistent presence of coywolves. They were also a mixed breed as he was. He took strong note and began a journey to learn more about his native family. It was a great awakening and he understood his new calling. This resulted in his book, "Without Reservation, Awakening to Native American Spirituality and the Ways of Our Ancestors". The presence of Native Americans is growing in today's society as they have much to offer us. Randy looks at his and their long history and sees how we need to reframe their image and also that of Native Americans who have their genes but aren't full blooded. It's a very large population that can help bring us more into their gifts and potentials to create a better world.
There are so many people here with Native American genes as well as other genes and might not realize the ancestors are calling on them as well. Randy Kritkausky discovered the value of his genes when he started researching his ancestors and wanted to honor their heritage. He realized so many of their struggles and how they are playing out now among all Native Americans to create an awakening. His book, Without Reservation, has wonderful chapters about how and why their history is so poorly understood and what we all can gain from knowing what they can offer us. Don't miss this opportunity to hear Randy talk about his heritage and the amazing journey he's been on to bring us to this light.

Monday Sep 14, 2020
Energy Stew - How much can we forgive nowadays?
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
We are living in a world with many stories we're supposed to believe and it's hard to know who to trust. There is so much that we question and often to others we are in strong disagreement with. There are dozens of conspiracy theories and some of them are very true yet many aren't. Most people are not questioning the information they are fed by the authorities of one major camp or another and do their best to cooperate with mainstream ideas and actions. Some of us are natural skeptics and regularly stir the pot of "normalcy". Ole Dammegard is a world famous conspiracy investigator and dives into stories that might appear beyond belief. In this interview, we're going to talk about hidden forces at play in this world and what their purposes are. What kind of world are we living in that we might not have imagined? We all have to create our own opinions and it's better to be the most knowledgeable we can. What are the truths you're willing to believe or not?

Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Outliers are people who don't adhere to the norms. They know how to think for themselves. You likely, as a listener to this show, are an outlier yourself. Dr. Jane Goldberg, also an outlier, has been a pioneer of new ideas and technologies and for decades, I've learned a lot from her and when I want to learn about the latest greatest innovations, I turn to her. She's a practicing psychotherapist, has written 9 books and also runs a holistic spa, La Casa Spa and Wellness Center in Manhattan and Puerto Rico. She'll be speaking with us about a lot of unique healing modes including the Hocatt and hormesis.

Friday Aug 21, 2020
Energy Stew - How did the ancient Indian Yugas identify our current society?
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
The Yugas are an ancient Hindu system that maps the course of consciousness through time. There are different levels of consciousness with the Satya Yuga being the ideal state. We're not in that now but it's the prize we'd like to acquire. Jason Gregory is a master of Eastern philosophies and has produced a beautiful video documentary of this body of knowledge, "The Yugas, The Great Time Cycles of the Universe". It's helpful to understand the time cycle we're now in to know how to appreciate our evolution better.
Jason Gregory has an amazing grasp of Eastern philosophy and has produced this documentary to help us understand where we are in the ongoing cycles of consciousness. The Yugas are an amazing body of knowledge about these cycles and explain why our society is behaving in the way it is. You won't want to miss this in-depth interview with Jason to gain insight in the Yugas.

Friday Aug 14, 2020
Energy Stew - Might we become a lost civilization?
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020

Friday Aug 07, 2020
Energy Stew - A very exciting and beautiful new feature film about intuition
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
I loved watching this Japanese film about spirituality. It has a lot of drama about dealing with negative energies but I found it very inspiring and had a lot of cultural charm. Yoichi Utebi, the producer of "The Real Exorcist", explains that the central focus of the film is to illuminate the reality of psychic and supernatural abilities as a means to help people with life challenges. Themes such as suicide, bullying, depression, peer pressure and more are highlighted with individuals who are marred by these challenges. The heroine, Sayuri, works in a coffee shop and people arrive who need her clairvoyant and esoteric abilites. She has a beautiful nature and the flm expresses a lot of the artfulness in the daily life of the culture. I was absorbed in it.

Friday Jul 31, 2020
Energy Stew - What is your authentic nature? 2nd Interview with Ron Damico
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
I'm so glad we can again speak with Ron Damico about his great insights into our true natures and the purposes of our lives especially at this pivotal time in our history. Join us to hear Ron discuss the truths about our journeys that he's come to realize.

Friday Jul 24, 2020
Energy Stew - What can the dying teach us about life?
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Dr. Karen Wyatt has worked in hospices for many years and has listened closely as the dying have offered advice for the living. There's much wisdom that comes from their lips as they've provided intimate and honest reflections on their own lives. This is a great opportunity to hear what matters most and how we can take advantage of these insights to fulfill ourselves in the best ways. Karen's book, "7 Lessons for Living from the Dying, How to Nurture What Really Matters" can help us live with more meaning, purpose and love.
We all want to navigate life better and call on the most important truths to live by. Dr. Karen Wyatt is a hospice physician who has heard the greatest pearls of wisdom from those on their death beds. This interview is a great opportunity to hear what Karen can tell us for a more enriching life. Tune in and discover the most important keys for your successful future and how we can all make the world a better, honest home.