
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020

Friday Dec 04, 2020
Energy Stew - Have you used the power of dowsing?
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
After 40 years in service as a Christian Minister, Jim Willis and his wife decided to head for the woods of S Carolina so he could spend some time "wrestling with God". During his spiritual explorations, he learned how to become a dowser and made important discoveries on his new (old) property. The dowsing showed him his property had major energy lines running through it which attracted some ancient peoples to congregate there as many as thousands of years ago. He'll talk with us about the use of dowsing tools and also how popular it is among our current population. One of his recent books is, "The Quantum Akashic Field" and two others are "Lost Civilizations" and "Hidden History".
Jim Willis is a fascinating man. He comes from a conservative background and then discovered larger worlds available through the timeless implicate Universe. For this show, Jim will talk about his discovery of dowsing and the amazing information that unfolded to him by using it. It's something everyone can easily use and who knows what you'll learn from it? Tune in to hear Jim's wise words as he can help us learn how to make dowsing work to enhance our lives.

Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Robert Moss thinks big in ways that challenge our imagination. He's the author of a new book "Growing Big Dreams" which is really about thinking bigger. We don't realize how our thinking is creating the parameters that shape our world and mostly keeps it smaller than it needs be. The quantum nature of life depends on our consciousness to be present but we're tiptoeing through it. The idea is to stride bigger in life and be guided by all that we can dream to become true. This is about growing our imagination to build a life beyond our normal, limited beliefs. You'll be in wonder to hear Robert's words and inspirations.
Robert Moss will share his great insights about the nature of our consiousness and how we can use it to move our lives forward. He holds deep wisdom about how to use our imagination (dreams) and journey beyond the limited reality we're used to. Be sure to tune into this show and hear from a fascinating guest.

Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Lisa Denton is a close friend who I feel has a great understanding of our human journey and how it's managing this current time. Lisa was the president of the Lightfield Foundation and worked with me to help develop its technology to harmonize consciousness. She has profound intuitive abilities which assist her in recognizing how universal multi-dimensionality functions to move humanity forward. There are much larger patterns at work that lead our group mind and it's important to maintain our authentic consciousness through spiritual practice. Lisa is a wonderful role model of this and leads 2 meditation and discussion groups each week that you're welcome to join.
Lisa Denton will share her great insights about the nature of our consiousness and how we can use it to move our light forward. She holds deep wisdom about our journeys here and how best to manifest our progress during this chaotic time.

Friday Nov 06, 2020
Energy Stew - How has bullying shown up in your life?
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Everyone gets bullied at some time in life and many get bullied many times. It's no fun to feel helpless in the face of attack and our fight or fly mechanism gets very challenged. I've been bullied by all sorts of people who have had different kinds of power over me and I even took up martial arts to learn to protect myself better. We usually fall prey when we don't feel competent enough and/or are bridled by people with unrestrained authority. Many times, we can even feel bullied by popular public opinion. Jeanie Cisco Meth has written the book, "Bully Proofing You, Managing Confidence and Personal Value From the Inside Out". It's so important to manage our lives with inner strength which isn't always so easy to achieve.
Throughout our lives, people show up who know how to manipulate our fears. We don't always know how to defend ourselves whether with mind, body or spirit and fall prey to bullies. This doesn't have to happen when we can know our own truths and follow our own hearts. Jeanie Cisco Meth is an expert about bullying and the author of "Bully Proofing You". Don't miss this opportunity to hear her wisdom about how to live with more confidence and inner strength.

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Energy Stew - The angels explain how to own our own lives
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
There have been thousands of young children that recount past life experiences. Probably, most of them have been overlooked at adults think it's just fantasy. Many of these stories have been researched to validate them and have passed many tests. So, it's not so much about whether we believe them but rather what they are being recalled for. Often, the struggles in these past lives reflect current issues in the childrens' bodies and minds so it's very valuable to look at and understand them so they can be healed. Carol Bowman, the author of "Children's Past Lives, How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child", heard an important revelation from her young son who was having fears as echoes from a past life and this launched her study about the phenomenon. Apparently, once children are 5 or 6, these recollections fade from conscious memory but they make excellent hypnotic regression subjects.
You might have young children or grandchildre under 5 years old who refer to situations in a past life. They do this very casually as they don't see it as unusual. The best way to respond to them is to be comfortably interested so they feel free to express themselves. Too many adults have shut this expression down and have missed an important opportunity to learn for what and why they need to talk about it. Tune into this entertaining interview with author Carol Bowman to learn about these valuable communications with the very young.

Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Ron Damico is a fascinating spiritual guide, an innate healer and an "architect for the new human consciousness". He has many wonderful insights about the awakening time we're in and how to identify ourselves within it. Not all believe that hopefulness is of value. For many, it feels too passive to be useful. Maybe we're not seeing the visions that hope can give us. Ron can convince us to be more hopeful about hope.
I'm so glad we can again speak with Ron Damico about his great insights into the true paths and purposes of our lives especially at this pivotal time in our history. Join us to hear Ron discuss the value that hope can bring us and how it can add to our future.

Friday Oct 09, 2020
Energy Stew - What cards are the presidential candidates playing this year?
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
We all are dealt a hand of cards when we're born and have to play them all our lives. They really define who we are in very basic ways. Also, every year at our birthday, a new hand of cards additiionally comes into play but just for the year. They often can show us how life will played by us and to us. Alexander Dunlop, the author of "Play Your Cards Right", is a great ambassador of this amazing system and has some surprising insights about the candidates cards. You can learn about your own card by going to Alexander's WEBSITE and put in your birth date. It'll immediately show you your birth card.

Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
We are all born to personality templates that are different than anyone else. They define with way we think and act and reveal the language of ourselves we automatically live by. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have very strong charts and we'll discuss what they tell us about their personalities. They have very important traits that relate to having power and you'll want to understand them to see how they'll function if elected. I'll be analyzing them with fellow analyst Nattalee Lillico who also recorded a chart reading with me of Donald Trump in 2016. Here's the link to it LINK and the main part about him starts from 5 and goes to 17 minutes into the recording. The rest is about Hillary. You'll be surprised at what these charts have to say and what you should know about these people and our futures.