
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Energy Stew - Meeting with your family. Are you ready?
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Everyone has some family issue or another. Maybe everyone tried their best when you grew up but they might have done better. So many different personalities and needs were present and somehow we got through it with some of us in much better shape than others. Now is the time when many families reunite and try to have a good time together. It's usually not so simple. What are your expectations and what are theirs? Often, we're plugged into the consciousness of our inner child and many of our idiosyncrasies show up. A lot of family politics gets played out.

Monday Dec 17, 2018
Energy Stew - Hearts and spades will make the holidays sing with feeling
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Monday Dec 17, 2018
The holidays are a time of deep feelings of all kinds. They certainly play out differently for everyone as we are all living different life stories. Those stories are amplified when there are so many social gatherings and most are very meaningful. Holiday spirit can be very uplifting which can help many people who are having a tough time. Whether you're on the giving or receiving end, or both, it's the time to connect deeply with all those around you, even strangers. I love being out on Christmas or New Years Eve when so many people are well wishing everyone they come into contact with or initiate contact with.
I think it's fascinating to learn that each year, beginning on December 18th, all 13 Heart cards play out, card by card, to the 30th. Each day is a different heart card. Christmas Day is the 6 which is the card of heart responsibility and we're drawn to make the day count. It's also a time when we judge whose heart isn't or hasn't been responsible which can create too much drama between us at that moment. December 31st is the only day of the Joker Card. It's a time when our lives are exposed to us and we think about our year. January 1st starts the full suit of Spades beginning with the King which is the mastery of consciousness so it's surely the best day to create resolutions. Tune in to hear from Alexander Dunlop, our card master, to learn more about this powerful, emotional time and how to play these cards right. He's the author of "Play Your Cards Right" and can help us get through this time. To find out what birth card you are playing, go to lifeelevated.life and provide your birth date to know your unique birth card.

Friday Dec 07, 2018
Energy Stew - You can tap your way through the holidays
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Steve Gottlieb is back and will talk about managing emotional stresses we may find ourselves in during this very social season. Even if everything is going well, it's a busy time and can lead to overwhelm. Tapping (EFT) is great to shift your energy and find new strength and calm. For many, there are a multitude of holiday factors including parties, food, gifts, transportation and just getting along with family, friends, associates and even strangers. Managing health issues during this challenging time can also be greatly helped by tapping.

Monday Dec 03, 2018
Energy Stew - Where are YOU right now? Really!
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Living in the present sounds like a great idea but are you always able to stay there? Do you often wander into the past or the future? Maybe it's a good idea to think back on wonderful experiences and the opportunities the past has given you. Perhaps it's also a good idea to think ahead to a great future and make plans for it. So then why is there an emphasis on staying in the present? It's all about how you hold the past and future and their effect on your emotions. If you're drawn to past negative experiences or are fearful about the future, then it might not be helpful to go there. The present is an expansive place of oneness even if the immediate past or future feels limiting. There's no negative opinion about each moment of pure "what is". Maybe you won't be happy in the future and have been unhappy in the past. Those are only in your mind.

Friday Nov 23, 2018
Energy Stew - Transaudio electronic voice phenomena will amaze you
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Friday Nov 23, 2018
There's a great service being offered by a group of young people on the other side who are trying to help parents grieve for their lost children. Their group is called "The Big Circle" and they connect with these children and have them send voice communications to audio devices on our side. We can actually receive voice messages in recordings from those we've lost. I'll be playing a few of them on the show. I know it's hard to believe but the technology is real and the voices sound very true to those who are hearing them.

Friday Nov 16, 2018
Energy Stew - Do you know any Soul Dogs?
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Every dog is special and here to offer love yet some dogs appear to be much older souls and can connect at unusually deeper levels. Elena Mannes, the author of "Soul Dog", had such a pet who changed her whole understanding about consciousness and spirituality. She then began a path to learn more about the spiritual realities that our pets can present to us. After working with many animal communicators, she discovered the unusual bonds we have with our pets and the beautiful souls they embody.
You'll want to hear Elena's story about her discovery path with Brio who kept on enlightening her with his wise presence and deep love. Animal communicators were always greatly impressed when they tapped into Brio's consciousness. He awakened her to a spiritual reality she hadn't yet known and the richness of the soul world that our pets live in.

Friday Nov 09, 2018
Energy Stew - Learn How To Use Your Mind To Become More Powerful In Life
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Are you ready for a tuneup and live even smarter? Do you feel you're in your full power? Can you truly claim it? How about some very practical tools to upgrade your life? Barbara Berger's newly revised best seller is "The Road to Power, Fast Food for the Soul" and truly deserves its popularity. Her book indulges in so many lifestyle applications that you can really fine tune yourself. Every one of her 36 chapters is a different kind of power to use better. How about the power of "deep peace" or "right seeing"? How about the "power of the Force" or of "mental technology"
Barbara's book is time tested and has changed many lives. Tune in and get some fast food to empower your life. She has great wisdom to share.

Friday Nov 02, 2018
Energy Stew - Robert Moss says to wake up and dream
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Robert Moss truly gets around and much more than any of us. He travels to other times and places that we can only read about. He even can do it with others who also have this great gift to explore reality outside of the time we're in. His new book, "Mysterious Realities. A Dream Traveler's Tales from the Imaginal Realm" will totally fascinate you. You'll have a wonderful appreciation about how real our imagination is and what it can teach us about many worlds and parallel lives. Robert is a terrific writer and each page offers wondrous adventure. There are so many realms he explores and brings us with him. Maybe someday we can all dream like him and learn about this marvelous universe we barely know about.
Robert is a wonderful guest and understands how exciting his travels are for us. Don't miss this opportunity to hear from such a master.

Friday Oct 26, 2018
Energy Stew - In our society, who are we all at war with?
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018

Monday Oct 22, 2018
Energy Stew - Find out why Human Design can create the clarity you need
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Many of you have heard about the Human Design System and are still trying to figure out its worthiness. It's a powerful tool to decipher the mechanics of your personality and help you understand why you are who you are which you can't change. You can only get better at being yourself. Not only can this help you do it but you'll learn how everyone relates to you and why they behave in certain patterns in your life. They don't realize they're reading your design and helping you play out the soul journey you're here for. There are no mistakes about you. It's just that you haven't fully understood the patterns you're here to excel with and to be limited by. Human Design can tell you all that.