
Friday May 25, 2018
Energy Stew - Your dreams can save your life - 05.25.18
Friday May 25, 2018
Friday May 25, 2018
Dreams can warn us of serious health issues and, in fact, have saved many lives. Kat O'Keefe-Kanavos and Dr. Larry Burk have worked together to research and compile hundreds of examples of women who have had dreams that showed they had breast cancer. In most cases, they had no idea about their problem and often doctors discounted their dreams when they couldn't find obvious signs of the cancer. The dreams wouldn't stop coming and so many women had to insist on more testing which proved positive.
Their book, "Dreams That Can Save Your Life", is a great opportunity to learn how to identify these dreams which may also be for many other health issues. It's amazing how helpful our subconscious tries to be as it knows so much more than our conscious minds. Of course, it'll often speak to us in metaphors so we should be alert although these kinds of dreams are designed to be remembered. They might have to repeat themselves to get your attention so don't worry that you'd miss them. Tune into this very insightful show with Kat about the power of our inner lives and how we're guided by the great force of our soul.

Friday May 18, 2018
Energy Stew - You're more powerful when you can see your shadow - 05.18.18
Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
Everyone is reading your energy vibes on an unconscious level and is responding to them. These are your personality frequencies and an excellent window to them are the playing cards you've been born to live out. When we know our cards, we know why people behave the way they do with us. This depends on how their cards want to play with our cards. They don't have to know anything about cards to be playing with them unconsciously. Fortunately, we can find out about our cards using our birth dates. It's uncanny how accurate and revealing this is. These patterns also include shadows that challenge us to become better. We can't defeat these shadows but we can learn to accept them and even dance with them better. Alexander Dunlop and I are going to talk about the shadows that come with each birth card you are born to. It's so helpful to know how that works.

Friday May 11, 2018
Energy Stew - What shall we worry about next? - 05.11.18
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
We live in fearful times and the future appears unknown. There's so much to worry about. How can we make life easier? What's the secret to a quiet mind? Maybe it's all about how we hold life. Can we trust life? Can we have faith in it? Do they both mean the same thing? What if they don't? Maybe understanding them can help us live in more ease. Listen to this deep journey with Jason and see what you can do to re-figure your fears. Let's live like we're our own masters. Jason Gregory has written a wonderful book about living in the spontaneous state of natural harmony. Maybe we can really do it.

Friday May 04, 2018
Energy Stew - Tapping Is A Hidden Secret To Life - 05.04.18
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Steve Gottlieb is back and will talk about handling everyday life to uncover what is blocking us to live in full freedom. Using EFT can actually manifest so much more than you can imagine. It changes energy at the deepest levels of your being and can free you from many if not most of your limitations. Try it. We all have past memories and conditioning that can inhibit us and limit our sense of power, health and well-being. We're just not using the full power available to us.

Friday Apr 27, 2018
Energy Stew - Is it possible to trust in the future? - 04.27.18
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Do you Wu Wei? I bet you'd like to. It's a form of living in full trust and moving through life without effort (force). In this second interview with Jason we'll climb deeper into the concepts of synchronicity and serendipity to under-stand their power in our lives. So many of you have seen unexpected miracles happen when you're at your wits end. Were you open to them? Did they really make things better? Wu Wei believes they did. Maybe it's like those parking spaces that just show up or finding an open seat in a crowded subway car. Those happen to me more than not. Jason Gregory has written a wonderful book about living in the spontaneous state of natural harmony. Maybe we can really do it. I've been practicing this since I read his book and feel that it's really working. So much more peace of mind!

Friday Apr 20, 2018
Energy Stew - Deep lessons of a Navajo Medicine Man - 04.20.18
Friday Apr 20, 2018
Friday Apr 20, 2018
Charles Langley, the author of "Spirit Land" has dedicated years of travel with an authentic Navajo shaman/medicine man and has had many unbelievable experiences. He has witnessed a culture that lives with strange and magical phenomena that are made real by their belief systems.. It was only through observing hundreds of ailing natives who were brought back to health through techniques that are not understandable but work. Originally a lifelong journalist and editor of one of the largest newspapers in the world, he looked through very skeptical eyes to witness mysterious, positive changes in the Navajo's health. The methods are not found among shamans of other cultures. They're even stranger.

Friday Apr 13, 2018
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Do you Wu Wei? I bet you'd like to. It's a form of living in full trust and moving through life without effort (force). Maybe life is working out in its own way for us and we only think we have huge hurdles on our path. Maybe the hurdles are the way and we can let them bring us wonderful results beyond our limited thinking. I call it slip-sliding through life - slipping past the illusion of what we think are hurdles but are really opportunities. So why worry? The famous Taoist philosopher Lao-tzu has taught it's only our minds and egos that get in the way. Jason Gregory has written a wonderful book about living in the spontaneous state of natural harmony. Maybe we can really do it. I've been practicing this since I read his book and feel that it's really working. So much more peace of mind!

Friday Apr 06, 2018
Friday Apr 06, 2018
Sandra is back again to tell us more about what the animals have to say. What if you worked with horses and all of a sudden started receiving telepathic messages from them? This is how it all started for Sandra Mendelson, the author of "We Walk Beside You, Animal Messages for an Awakening World". Then it continued with other species using her open channel to start delivering their messages as well. What she has been hearing is very profound and helps us learn more about them and ourselves as well. We need to realize that the animals are also hooked into the quantum computer of the Universe and can understand many truths about life.

Friday Mar 30, 2018
Energy Stew - Mas Sajady will talk about our truest selves - 30.30.18
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Every day we get a taste of how real life is and how complicated. It's a difficult path for us all and we need to find the strongest part of our selves. This will be a very deep interview with Mas Sajady about being true to your path and believing in your deeper self no matter what you're opposing. This will be a show about managing life from a higher context of our soul growth and development. Many of you know of Mas and his work and know he's had a couple of Near Death Experiences when he was able to learn so much from the other side.

Friday Mar 23, 2018
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Mark Nepo is a #1 best selling author who has written many books. He's a deep thinker and a poet. Each page of each book is a treat to our minds and hearts so speaking with him is an opportunity to think and experience a deeper reality. If you want to live a richer life, listen to Mark's words about every nuance that life offers. Join us for this profound excursion into life's wonder.