
Friday May 08, 2020
Energy Stew - The angels can explain the time we're in
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020

Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020

Friday Apr 24, 2020
Energy Stew - Remembering who you are and why you're here
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Energy Stew - Interview about the pandemic with Dr Jane Goldberg
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
There's so much info on the internet about this current pandemic and it can become very confusing. The person I always go to for the bottom line is Jane Goldberg, the author of 9 books and owner of La Casa Spa and Wellness Center in Manhattan. Not only does she have the most up-to-date information, she's often way ahead of the rest of us. So much of what's new in the health and wellness field I've learned from her over the many years we've known each other.

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Energy Stew - How are your birth cards helping you cope with the quarantine?
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
The deck of cards holds many keys to our personalities and soul journeys. We've had a lot of shows about them and they've become familiar to our steady audience. This show will look at each card and how it shapes your personality in regard to being quarantined. This show will help you understand yourself better about how you're currently dealing with things but it will, maybe even more importantly, help you understand why people around you are behaving the way they are. Alexander Dunlop, the author of "Play Your Cards Right", is a great ambassador of this amazing system and you'll love his insights into each one. We're going to talk about each card in the deck if we have enough time. You can find out what card you've been born to by going to his website and putting in your birth date. You can do this for others too. Here's a LINK to it. In this show, he's going to go over all the cards in the deck to explain each of their challenges. It'll be very thorough. He's also offering a new program where he'll be sending out daily emails with the card of the day and an analysis and meditation about it. You can sign up for it HERE

Friday Apr 03, 2020
Energy Stew - How are you designed to handle this quarantine?
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
All of us are being tested right now to manage an extremely difficult period of keeping ourselves and others from becoming very sick. It's also a time to maintain some quality of life within very limited circumstances. We're all handling it differently and many of you are quarantined with others who have different needs and fears than you. It's often frustrating to watch these different personalities perform in their own way. Hopefully, you're in good circumstances and can get through this time with reasonable success. Nattalee Lillico and I will be describing how the Human Design chart illustrates our unique differences and how you think, feel and behave in ways you were born to be. You can look at your own chart if you either already have one or we can send you a free chart if you email us. Here's a LINK to her email and here's a LINK to mine.

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Energy Stew - Here's how to travel without worry - interview with Jim Willis
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Stephen G. Post, is a doctor who works full time at the Stony Brook Medical School but he's not a medical doctor. He's a Doctor of Divinity. There aren't many people doing this kind of work. For decades, he's been drawn to under- stand how society treats those with failed memories and how to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. Of course this includes Alzheimer's. He doesn't believe we should be using the term "dementia" as that has negative societal connotations. We're programmed to qualify people according to their cognitive abilities and frown on those who can't keep up. There needs to be a new way to frame their mental states that gives them more respect. They're still sensitive human beings who, for a long period, are just as upset about their lost memories as the rest of us. At some point, they forget that they've forgotten but can still have very lucid moments. Stephen's book, "God and Love on Route 80" is a fascinating story of his adventures that have brought him into this important work.

Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Dr. Howard Robins and I are old friends and we're both very involved in holistic health. We talk all the time about the work he's doing to bring healing opportunities to the world. In this show, he'll talk about the mechanics of the corona virus, its vulnerability and how it can be attacked. He'll also speak of the different ways you can shore up your immune system to become less of a target. I'm sure you want to be as informed as possible about being as safe as you can including the ways we're being informed traditionally. Dr. Robins has been strengthening the defenses of many thousands of his patients using mostly non-traditional methods. He's also taken years of research to develop the most potent probiotic on the market. The previous show with him, on February 28th, had the details about it but now he's offering it at a large discount that you can read about below.

Friday Mar 06, 2020
Energy Stew - Did you know that God had a wife?
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Thousands of years ago, women were highly celebrated and they had a higher authority who understood their needs. Her name was Ashera and women had a direct connection with her. Over time, men felt the need to dominate and attempted to destroy the support that women had. They were mostly successful at that and God's wife disappeared for a long time. The underlying need for her never ended and she's continued to reappear in different forms. The fight to repress her never ended either and most societies still restrict feminine power and sacredness. So many of us know that women carry the wisdom that can change our future and create more peaceful times. The Sacred Feminine is returning in strength but we must remember its history to help empower its rise. Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince are well studied historians and have written this wonderful book, "When God Had a Wife". They have so much to say.
There was a time, thousands of years ago, when the sacred feminine was powerful and vibrant. Women had a goddess to worship who understood them and their special needs. This inspired them to believe in their right place in society and to help manage progress. It didn't last and men chose to destroy signs of this sacredness and dominate society to the detriment of everyone. Even though women are finding their way back, there are still strong echoes of this patriarchal repression and society is resisting giving women their full power back. Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince's book, "When God Had a Wife", is important in its treatise of this long history of feminine strife and the efforts through time to maintain the sacred feminine. This is an important interview with the authors to hear their insights and become more knowledgeable about the unfolding of new feminine power that's so needed for our future.