Thursday Jun 30, 2011
Looking At Change In 2012
Thursday Jun 30, 2011
Thursday Jun 30, 2011
I saw a presentation by Stephen Popiotek recently where I realized he had unusual gifts to understand the potential for dramatic planetary changes in the coming year. I was impressed with his groundedness and optimism as we will be dealing with ongoing chaos on many levels; geological, economic, political and more. He's my guest on this show to share his knowledge and wisdom.
Thursday Jun 23, 2011
Looking Deeper Into Bhagavad Gita
Thursday Jun 23, 2011
Thursday Jun 23, 2011
One of the most advanced books on the planet is thousands of years old. It's teachings are as modern as the most recent, popular books about making the most out of life (on all levels). Jack Hawley has come back to talk more about his interpretation, "The Bhagavad Gita, a Walkthough for Westerners" and go deeper into its meanings. I think you'll get a lot out of this show.
Thursday Jun 16, 2011
The Secret Language Of Your Body
Thursday Jun 16, 2011
Thursday Jun 16, 2011
Inna Segal has written a very comprehensive healing book that covers every body part and many common conditions. She offers specific healing modalities in every case. This is a very helpful compendium to work with and I'm fortunately to be able to discuss her book with her on this show. Be sure to tune in.
Thursday Jun 09, 2011
Lynne McTaggart "The Bond"
Thursday Jun 09, 2011
Thursday Jun 09, 2011
"The Bond" is a new book by Lynne McTaggart who has developed the understanding that we are all designed to get along and make society work. She uses science to understand how everything is connected and it can all work once we diminish the competitive, fearful and greedy nature of this self-destructive time we are in. This is an in-depth interview with an amazing author who really helps us understand. Be sure to tune in.
Thursday Jun 02, 2011
Do You Follow Your Inner Authority?
Thursday Jun 02, 2011
Thursday Jun 02, 2011
We all want to make the right choices but figuring them out doesn't always work. We actually need to make them from a deeper, inner place and there might be clues about how to do that best. I'm interviewing Gina Concotelli, a Human Design Analyst who will discuss with me the different ways we are designed to find our Inner Authority. There are a number of types of authority, as described in your personal design, that we can each identify the correct process to know best. So if you want to know how to know what is best for you, tune in to this show and learn about how Inner Authority works.
Thursday May 26, 2011
Create Expansive Moments
Thursday May 26, 2011
Thursday May 26, 2011
My guest, John Selby, has written a wonderful book, "Expand This Moment" which can quickly guide your mind to pay attention to the moment and expand one's consciousness. He has developed very easy to use phrases which allow the mind to pay attention to the moment. This is so helpful to manage stress in one's life.
Thursday May 19, 2011
The Way Of The Happy Woman
Thursday May 19, 2011
Thursday May 19, 2011
Sara Avant Stover has written a wonderful book that offers detailed information about how to live more abundantly and healthfully throughout the year. This includes food, yoga and many ayarvedic principles that maximize one's energy. My wife, Deborah Roth, is helping with this interview as it specializes in women although there are so many tips that can benefit men. This is a great show to find new opportunities to make yourself happy. Be sure to tune in and hear the author of "The Way of the Happy Woman".
Thursday May 12, 2011
The Human Hologram
Thursday May 12, 2011
Thursday May 12, 2011
What if our physical bodies were perpetually being formed upon an invisible field of information? And what if this field was one vital and integral part of the same field underlying the physical structure of our universe, holding all the information and wisdom of its past and present? And what if, by being a knowing contributor to this field, each of us could create a blissful and peaceful future not only for ourselves and our planet, but for our whole universe?
Thursday May 05, 2011
True Insights Into The Bhagavad Gita
Thursday May 05, 2011
Thursday May 05, 2011
I always wanted to know what was so special about the Bhagavad Gita, a book that's more than 5,000 years old. It was never easy to wade in to. Now, Jack Hawley has written a book, "The Bhagavad Gita, a Walkthough for Westerners". Reading this was the answer and the experience of it is truly enlightening. After a while, you find you're reading it from your deeper soul self. It speaks to your deepest places. There's a reason this book has lasted so long and Jack Hawley has made it very accessible. Be sure to tune in to my interview with him and learn more about this great opportunity.
Thursday Apr 28, 2011
When Professional Intuitives Talk Shop
Thursday Apr 28, 2011
Thursday Apr 28, 2011
I'll be interviewing Paul Selig, a very gifted professional intuitive who will be demonstrating his unusual style and will talk with me about what it's like to be so connected with higher consciousness. I always enjoy talking shop with other intuitives and it's fun to compare notes. I think you'll appreciate listening to this conversation.