Saturday Nov 17, 2012
Monday Nov 12, 2012
Energy Stew - Are we really evolving to a better future? - 11/10/12
Monday Nov 12, 2012
Monday Nov 12, 2012
Saturday Oct 27, 2012
Energy Stew - The revelations of knowing past lifetimes - 10/27/12
Saturday Oct 27, 2012
Saturday Oct 27, 2012
Believing we have past lives is the first step. Finding the stories of them is the next. For most people, hypnotic regression might be the most direct first-person way to go. Hundreds of thousands of people, or more, have had these experiences and the revelations are life changing. What we learn and how this changes our lives is the subject of this interview. I'm interviewing Georgina Cannon, the author of "Return Again". We'll talk about how the meaning of these life reviews can help us get through this current life in better shape. I've had my own direct experience of past lives and I'll be teaching a class later this Fall where I'll use my intuition to identify the past lives of students in attendance. I've led many of these classes and the students have felt very enhanced by the new information they receive. The stories I can tell them generally apply to the issues they are currently facing without my direct awareness of what meaning they have. I can see the lifetimes and the students can understand why they are applicable. Anyway, tune in to the show to hear what Georgina's many experiences as a hypnotic regression therapist have shown her.
Saturday Oct 20, 2012
Energy Stew - Living with access to higher consciousness - 10/20/12
Saturday Oct 20, 2012
Saturday Oct 20, 2012
We all have intuition and some of us have learned how to use it to help others. It's a great tool and is fascinating to live with it. I'm always in awe to see it working when I'm in sessions with people. I'm talking with Lisa Denton, a good friend and an amazing clairvoyant, to understand the experiences and senses of our gifts. As our planet speeds up and consciousness evolves, it's important to have the tools to take best advantage of it. I'll be teaching classes this Fall and many students who have studied with me have gone on the become professional intuitives. Not everyone wants to go into business but living with access to higher consciousness can only be a plus. Be sure to tune in and learn more about this great skill you can quite easily enhance in yourself.
Saturday Oct 13, 2012
Energy Stew - This works better than forgiveness - 10/13/12
Saturday Oct 13, 2012
Saturday Oct 13, 2012
We believe we're in the process of evolution and we can either watch it or do something about it. You might say that if we're moving forward then why does our world seem to be retrogressing. Perhaps we're learning more tools and need to see more of how we've failed. Progress is in the new ideas. I'm speaking again with Roberta Atti who offers a program called Genetic Resonance. It's about understanding the issues in our lives through identifying our ancestral heritage difficulties and then seeing how to resolve them. Roberta doesn't believe forgiveness is the best answer as it only tries to overcome our struggle within the context of it. She believes there's an even more effective way to make progress that moves us beyond the past.
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Energy Stew - Do you astral travel? - 09/29/12
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
We've heard many stories of people having out-of-body experiences during periods of near death, pain, lucid dreaming during sleep, meditation or hypnosis. Some people have made a practice of it. The reports back have helped us learn more about life outside our normal reality. Most of the stories people have told of these travels seem to fit together very well. Stefanie Darrell has been astral traveling thousands of times over the last 33 years. She has a new book, "Seven Glorious Days in Heaven" in which she discusses experiences and lessons of these travels. I love this book and the details she reveals about life on the other side. It makes so much sense and excites me about the other-dimensional realities we've all experienced before and will definitely experience again. Joining us in this interview is Stefanie's son Darren Knight, who is also an astral traveler. It seems to run in her family including her mother, uncles, etc.
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
Energy Stew - Learn about the most powerful herb in the world - 09/15/12
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
Most of us have been hearing about ginseng for a long time and figure it must be pretty good. Do we really know how good it is?Traditional ginseng has its strengths and limitations but a new process might be the way to take it to a new power that can change our lives. I'm interviewing Dr. John Ramsay again who specializes in ginseng research and knowledge. He's a doctor of Chinese medicine. This is an opportunity to learn about the remarkable ingredients and uses that make ginseng one of the best candidates to restore health and vigor. If it can make such a big difference in your life, you don't want to miss this show.
Saturday Sep 08, 2012
Energy Stew - Where is the Assemblage Point on your body? - 09/08/12
Saturday Sep 08, 2012
Saturday Sep 08, 2012
There are many ways to identify bio-energetic imbalances and to realign energy. I'm always excited to come across new understandings of our energy fields. Recently, I was directed to Jon Whale, in England, who has developed a body of knowledge about the "Assemblage Point". It's a spot where energy moves through us and its location is critical to our health. This spot can be located and even moved to bring us back into wholeness. Many people who have trouble finding relief from different ailments might benefit from this know how. Be sure to tune in to learn about this amazing new information.
Saturday Sep 01, 2012
Energy Stew - Finding the serendipity frequency - 09/01/12
Saturday Sep 01, 2012
Saturday Sep 01, 2012
Living in a higher vibration allows us to align better in the flow of life. Unfortunately, the flow can often knock us out of alignment and lower our frequencies. Frank Kinslow has written a new book entitled "Eufeeling" which teaches how to find these elevated frequencies and hold on to them in our daily lives. He talks about manifestation with this power but not as a tool for fulfilling our ego purposes. It's a different kind of power that can result in even more satisfaction than we can expect in this ego driven world.