
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Energy Stew - How are you designed to handle this quarantine?
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
All of us are being tested right now to manage an extremely difficult period of keeping ourselves and others from becoming very sick. It's also a time to maintain some quality of life within very limited circumstances. We're all handling it differently and many of you are quarantined with others who have different needs and fears than you. It's often frustrating to watch these different personalities perform in their own way. Hopefully, you're in good circumstances and can get through this time with reasonable success. Nattalee Lillico and I will be describing how the Human Design chart illustrates our unique differences and how you think, feel and behave in ways you were born to be. You can look at your own chart if you either already have one or we can send you a free chart if you email us. Here's a LINK to her email and here's a LINK to mine.