
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Energy Stew- The angels speak about the transformation of unconditional love
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Friday Oct 13, 2023
We're in times of great shock, unhappiness and even rage. What does that have to do with love?
How can we move forward if we don't understand the confusion some people have about right and wrong.
If everyone is a part of divinity, what's gone wrong? Love is about bringing light and shining through the dark. It's something that's so easy to forget.
Perhaps there's a need to experience the dark before the dawn.
Let's hear what the angels have to say about love and be inspired to hold the light.
Adria Estribou is our guest again to connect with the angels and bring them our questions to hear their wise answers.

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Energy Stew- Source Cards help to understand the innate structure of life
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
There's always more to know about the way cards work in our lives. Alexander Duunlop and I have done many shows about them and now we're adding another guest who will help us learn more.
We're always playing our birth cards anyway so let's find out how our lives are guided by them. Alexander's new wife, Viki Scudiery, has also become a card expert. Every morning on instagram I watch their daily video of that day's card. They have so much fun bouncing off each other in their explanations.
It's wonderful to watch how they interact to inform us about Source Cards.
You can learn about your own card by going to their WEBSITE and put in your birth date. It'll immediately show you your birth card.
Alexander Dunlop, the author of "Play Your Cards Right", is a great ambassador of this amazing system and you'll love his and his wife's insights.

Friday Sep 29, 2023
Energy Stew- Humanity’s timeline within Earth’s development
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Lowell Johnson is highly telepathic and recently received an elaborate history of our planet and the civilizations that first took advantage of this magnificent place.
It's amazing how many different civilizations first began creating the richness of our planet. One culture were advanced botanists while another architects of Earths energy grids that were lined up with celestial positions.
They were higher dimensional beings, some of them even 12 feet tall. Each society was only able to live here for relatively short times as there were evolutionary energies at play.
Tune in to hear wonderful info about our planet.

Friday Sep 22, 2023
Energy Stew- What proof do you need?
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
David Suich was living a normal, somewhat "limited" life when he started to hear about near death experiences (NDEs). He didn't have one of his own but was strongly moved by the stories that were spoken about them.
He decided to learn more and has eventually interviewed more than 1200 people who had NDE experiences. It powerfully altered his life and it's extremely different from before.
In this interview, he'll be talking about the nature of NDE's and the proof that many people need to see in order to believe in them.
It's fascinating to listen to him so enjoy this interview and you can also read his book, "God Took My Clothes".

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
When ancient gnostic writings were discovered, it became obvious how advanced their thinking was.
They actually understood quantum physics (in their own way) and that led to deeper realizations about the spiritual universe.
They could understand the nature of consciousness and had much to say about it. We can learn from them.
Peter Canova's book, "Quantum Spirituality", delves into the history of mysticism throughout many eras based on the juxtaposition of the light of Source and the constant dark elements opposed to it.
His book finds answers to the fundamental questions of existence, exploring the principles of Gnosticism, the Holographic Universe theory and Einstein's Relativity.
He contemplates the scietific and spiritual evidence of a Multiverse and what it means for us.
Tune into this fascinating interview.

Monday Sep 11, 2023
Energy Stew- The opportunity to channel other intelligences
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Anjie Hipple was having a very ordinary life until she came upon channeling. A spirit collective named The Judah Channel began to speak with her and her life totallly changed.
Judah is a collective of 350,000 angels and its members use the connection with Anjie to bring wisdom to us all.
She has a very large following of people who love the daily messages the Judah Channel delivers. They also speak with people individually.
I've been very impressed with the wisdom that comes through and Anjie is a wonderful messenger for them.

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Energy Stew- Interview about different levels of consciousness
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Clayten & Jeffrey have created a wonderful opportunity to boost your personal consciousness and the energy of your own home.
Focused Life Force Energy (FLFE)
can be remotedly sent to your environment and will allow you to live with a much higher vibe.
In this 2nd interview, we'll examine the different levels of consciousness among our population.
You can get a free trial period to experience it yourself.

Friday Aug 25, 2023
Energy Stew- What do you know about energy psychology?
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Working with energy psychology is the recognition that our energy state is associated with our struggles.
Whether out struggles arise out of our energy imbalances or whether our life traumas upset our energies, we still need to address those energies to rebalance ourselves.
Steven Gottlieb is an energy psychologist and has different techniques to change your psychology by restoring your energies.
In this interview, he'll talk about the many ways we can manage life by keeping or restoring our balanced energy.

Friday Aug 18, 2023
Energy Stew- So many twists and turns on the road to power
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Barbara Berger authored the best seller "The Road to Power, Fast Food for the Soul" which has been published in 30 languages.
This is the 2nd interview about her personal road to power.
Many people have asked how she achieved the wisdom to write that book and she realized she needed to tell us about her journey, thus her newest book, "My Road to Power, Sex, Trauma & Higher Consciousness"
She's back to tell us more about this amazing life journey where she challenged herself with very difficult adventures.
Barbara's purpose was to find ultimate answers so she could help all of us. Indeed, she discovered great truths about life and how we can live in the power we all strive for.
Don't miss this opportunity to hear her very unique, extremely fascinating recollections that absorbed my full attention on every page of her book.
It's really very brave of her to offer these personal stories that have been waiting to be told

Friday Aug 11, 2023
Energy Stew- Barbara Berger reveals her personal road to power
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Barbara Berger authored the best seller "The Road to Power, Fast Food for the Soul" which has been published in 30 languages.
Many people have asked her how she achieved the wisdom to write that book and she realized she needed to tell us about her journey, thus her newest book, "My Road to Power, Sex, Trauma & Higher Consciousness"
You'll be in wonder at the amazing adventures and twists and turns of her life and how they influenced her.
Don't miss this opportunity to hear her very unique, extremely fascinating recollections that absorbed my full attention on every page of her book.
It's really very brave of her to offer these personal stories that have been waiting to be told.