
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Lisa Denton is a close friend who I feel has a great understanding of our human journey and how it's managing this current time.
Lisa was president of the Lightfield Foundation and worked with me to help develop its technology to harmonize consciousness. She has profound intuitive abilities which assist her in recognizing how universal multi-dimensionality functions to move humanity forward.
Lisa will talk about the importance of light in our lives and the information it carries.
She's a wonderful teacher who leads 2 meditation and discussion groups each week that you're welcome to join.

Friday Dec 15, 2023
Energy Stew- How come you behave differently?
Friday Dec 15, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
We're all born into a Human Design that we can't help but live with. You don't even have to know about it but you can strategize your life better by knowing the details of who you're born to be.
For this show, I'm going to talk about the different hexagrams/gates of the Human Design System and how they influence your behavior.
Knowing the language of your unique personality traits allows you to better understand your own behavior as contrasted to others.
I'll talk through about a third of the hexagram/gates so you can understand them and yourself and others better.
If you don't already have your own chart, I can make one up for you. You would need to email me your birth data (date, time & place) and I can get your chart back to you.

Friday Dec 08, 2023
Energy Stew- Linda Backman talks about the nature of souls
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Many people have heard about or experienced past life regression. It's the best way to understand our soul journey through many lifetimes.
If you appreciate this journey, you'll understand its purpose. We're always seeking growth and our higher self will take us wherever it feels it can do its best. We're here now to represent that.
Linda Backman has regressed thousands of people to see not only their past lives but often who they are in between them. They also have the opportunity to learn about their higher selves which is our master self that embodies all of our lifetimes.
Linda's vast experience has taught her how diverse our souls are as we make our way from lifetime to lifetime.
She's a very fascinating person to talk with.
She's also been my teacher who has certified me to lead people into past life regressions.

Friday Dec 01, 2023
Energy Stew- How to manage the fabric of time & space
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
There's a clear science and art of working with time and space which are very relevant to our consciousness.
We are each the creators of our own universes and they respond to our intentions. We just haven't learned how to tap into them with our will.
Marion Mace is a wonderful teacher of the world of distinct intentions along with receiving universal knowledge.
When you put them together, life is more in your hands.
It's wonderful to speak with her about how we can all weave and mend time and space.

Friday Nov 24, 2023
Energy Stew- Are you using your information fields?
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
We live in a world of information fields. As a matter of fact, we're loaded down with them and should learn how to find our way among them.
It's a good idea to learn how to discern the best of them for our greater benefit. Perhaps the most ideal are coherent and bring us into greater harmony.
Ross Newkirk is a scientist who develops coherent energy devices so we may indulge ourselves in their properties.
Tune in to hear Ross talk about the opportunities that coherency can bring us.
He'll also be talking about the amazing properties of Vogel Cut Crystals.

Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
I've been following the essays and videos of Charles Eisenstein for a number of years and even subscribe to his substack offerings.
Charles has a very deep mind and has so much to talk about. He's extremely honest and humble about himself.
In this interview he offers understandings about where we're all at now and the opportunities for a better future.
An important book he's written is "The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible"

Friday Nov 10, 2023
Friday Nov 10, 2023
Anjie Hipple was having a very ordinary life until she came upon channeling. A spirit collective named The Judah Channel began to speak with her and totallly changed her life.
Judah is a collective of 350,000 angels and its members use the connection with Anjie to bring wisdom to us all.
For this interview, we actully speak with the Judah group for them to explain how we can live better in a world of great conflict and tragedy.
It's really amazing how profound they are and can help us find our way through this time and into the future.

Friday Nov 03, 2023
Energy Stew-The challenges of living in paradox
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Paradox asks us to look at life's questions with an open mind. So many issues in life have no clear right or wrong or perhaps have both of them at the same time.
Rodney Gittens, minister of the One Love Center, is an old and wise friend who can offer great insights into the challenges of paradox.
This is often a real puzzle for us to decifer and make our own conclusions. Perhaps realizing this nature in life allows us to be more honest in our choices.
Tune in to hear Rodney's wise words,

Friday Oct 27, 2023
Energy Stew- Creating balance in a topsy turvy world
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Hope Fitzgerald is a fascinating spiritual leader who has been given a big job in life. For a long time, she worked with her dowsing rods to connect with others in other dimensions.
Her communication with higher consciousness became clearer and the Infinity Wave was revealed to her.
Tune in to learn the power of this wave and how you can incorporate it into your life. It offers many opportunities.

Friday Oct 20, 2023
Energy Stew- Here’s a holy man who walks his talk
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Dr. Rod Chelberg was a busy Emergency Room doctor and began receiving intuitive insights into the patients who arrived at his hospital. He was able to diagnose hidden troubles that saved many people's lives.
He became very awake to the nature of his spiritual support and realized the powerful role of the grace we can all attain.
He has chosen to live a life of divine guidance and help people find their way toward the realization of the powers of light and love.
Speaking with him is very inspiring and he's truly dedicated to express "God" consciousness. His book, "When God calls, Say "Yes!", is a wonderful guide to mystical awareness.