Friday Oct 28, 2016
Energy Stew - Linda Cortner and Robert Hieronimus - 10.28.16
Friday Oct 28, 2016
Friday Oct 28, 2016
How relevant is the Statue of Liberty in this election?
Women have long been oppressed in our society yet the Statue of Liberty makes that look quite different. When great inspiration is needed, art and statuary depicting strong women seems to be an ongoing historic theme.
Unfortunately, the rise of women in power hasn't been received very well. Indigenous tribes held women in great esteem, considering them their wise leaders.
The creation of the Statue of Liberty is a complex story and the book "The Secret Life of Lady Liberty: Goddess in the New World" examines it in great detail. It also has a wonderful narrative of the history of feminine power from Native Americans to our current culture.
It's a very absorbing book and the authors, Linda Cortner and Robert Hieronimus are dedicated to supporting women's empowerment.
Tune in to this valuable interview to understand their mission and to see why it's so difficult for women to be acknowledged as powerful leaders.
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Energy Stew - Evelyn Rysdyk - 10.21.16
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Ancient women were the wise leaders.
In the northern latitudes thousands of years ago, ancient tribes had to deal with changing climates and harsh conditions. Their instincts were put to the test and their women were most able to use deep shamanic practices to find answers and advise their tribes.
Christianity outlawed them but their records and practices outlived that. Native American tribes always regarded their women as the wise ones and they were consulted before important decisions were made.
It's helpful to understand the history of female leadership and counsel with the prospect of a female president of our country.
I'm interviewing Evelyn C. Rysdyk, the author of "The Norse Shaman" to hear stories about the practices of these ancient shamans and how powerful and respected they were.
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Energy Stew - Gardy Bandfield - 10.14.16
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Friday Oct 14, 2016
How safe and health giving is your water? - Energy Stew interview with Gardy Bandfield
Water is a big problem for most of the planet. Almost all of it is undrinkable. Scarcity and pollution are grave threats.
Municipal water is loaded with unwanted chemicals and not all bottled water is reliable. Filtration can help but it has its own drawbacks. What can we do?
There is an answer both for our individual use and to make large bodies of water safe and healthy for drinking and the environment.
Auro is an extract of minerals from vermiculite in liquid form with a mineral salt content close to twenty percent. When you add small amounts of this to your water, it purifies it and has an oxidation function. Larger amounts can be used for large bodies of water.
I've been using this for many years and it's easy to travel with. When it purifies tap or bottled water, in a number of hours, you can see the contaminants in an orange mixture at the bottom of the container. It also mineralizes the water and the way it cleans the water it also cleanses your body.
Tune into this interview with Gardy Bandfield, the owner of Auro Solutions, to find out about how this water works.
We'll also talk about some of the other amazing waters that are now available. Double Helix and APeX are 2 of them. It's important to raise your water awareness at this time of water troubles.
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Energy Stew - Alexander Dunlop - 10.07.16
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Are you fulfilling your destiny?
Our lives might not be turning out the way we expected but we're certainly still being ourselves. We can't help but be us.
Maybe we can do a better job at being ourselves and perhaps influence the outcome that way. So, how do we become better?
I think it's all about a deeper self-knowing. Not everyone is into self-analysis and they just keep plugging on.
It turns out there are detailed, and quite easy to follow, maps of our unique personalities. I've used Human Design to learn my mechanics and have delved into astrology and numerology. They're all of great value.
In this show, I'm interviewing Alexander Dunlop, a master of the 52 card deck which he calls "The Book of Life". I'm a great admirer of this system and have learned to work with it through Alexander's help.
We'll be talking about the nature of all these tools as an amazing phenomenon that allows us to understand the character that we've come into this life to play out.
Tune in to find out why and how you are living our your destiny.
Friday Sep 30, 2016
Energy Stew - Gilbert Picinich - 09.30.16
Friday Sep 30, 2016
Friday Sep 30, 2016
What can Vedic Astrology tell us about the election?
I've become fascinated by the information that Vedic Astrology has about people and what to expect from them.
Gilbert Picinich, a Vedic Astrologer will be on the show to talk about the specific charts of the two main candidates for President. He'll also discuss the transits of their charts that show what energies will be in their lives around the time of the election.
Not only will we learn a lot about the candidates but it's also a chance to see what the system can teach us about ourselves.
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Energy Stew - Dr. Rajiv Parti - 09.23.16
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Have you also voyaged into the afterlife and back?
Many people have had Near Death Experiences (NDE's) and come back from the other side with amazing stories to tell us. Most of the time, they are not believed as the public generally doesn't know how to respond to their experiences.
Recently, some doctors have had these experiences and are given more credit than the average person so they can help bring the phenomenon into the mainstream and people are more likely to believe them.
Dr. Rajiv Parti is one of those doctors and has written an important book, "Dying to Wake Up", about his experiences on the other side and how he was changed from that.
Tune in to hear about his amazing journey and transformation.
Friday Sep 16, 2016
Energy Stew -, Garnet Schulhauser - 09.16.16
Friday Sep 16, 2016
Friday Sep 16, 2016
This show is another travelogue from the astral traveler, Garnet Schulhauser.
He has fascinating stories to tell as his guide, Albert, takes him to amazing places and introduces him to well known people who are now in the spirit realm.
Don't miss any of these continuing interviews with Garnet and hear about experiences we never thought possible.
For those of us who don't astral travel, it's hard to imagine what it's like or even to believe it exists.
Putting your own beliefs aside, Garnet Schulhauser'sbooks are so full of greater wisdom and possibilities that to not enjoy the ride is missing out on much wonder.
I'm in his camp and am divinely inspired by the stories he collects from his travels. A lot of people have astral traveled and also have great experiences to bring home. Garnet is assisted by a spirit named Albert who comes for him and introduces him around the Universe.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about his adventures and the wonderful insights he shares.
His new book is "Dance of Heavenly Bliss" and his first two were, "Dancing on a Stamp" and "Dancing Forever with Spirit".
Friday Sep 09, 2016
Energy Stew - Crystal Andrus Morissette - 09.09.16
Friday Sep 09, 2016
Friday Sep 09, 2016
Managing Your Emotional Edge - Energy Stew interview with Crystal Morissette
When we can understand and manage our emotions, we can live with more empowerment. Crystal Andrus Morissette has written a wonderful book, "The Emotional Edge", to help people find their hidden strengths when they can become more emotionally discerning. She covers many topics ranging from communication to attitude and love.
A lot of her work is to help women discover their power and become an adult archetype rather than a parent or child archetype.
Tune in to find out how you can live with more balance and wisdom.
Friday Sep 02, 2016
Energy Stew - Stephon Alexander - 09.02.16
Friday Sep 02, 2016
Friday Sep 02, 2016
Jazz has helped physicists understand the evolution of our Universe - Energy Stew interview
Physicists live with a language few can understand and even they are always seeking new formulas to understand the origin of the Universe and how it was formed once it got going.
Stephon Alexander is a theoretical physicist who has made important contributions to deeper understandings about how the Universe is unfolding and has written a very insightful book about it, "The Jazz of Physics, The Secret Link Between Music and the Structure of the Universe".
He's also a very active jazz musician and writes about the profound insights he has gained by bringing both fields together.
Here's a quote from The New York Times -
"Dr. Alexander ventures far out onto the cutting edge of modern cosmology, presenting a compelling case for vibration and resonance being at the heart of the physical structure we find around us, from the smallest particle of matter to the largest clusters of galaxies."
This interview will dive into how the Universe was formed (including before the big bang) and even where time and life are leading us to. Who would have thought jazz would represent the science of evolution?
Friday Aug 26, 2016
Energy Stew -Alexander Dunlop - 08.26.16
Friday Aug 26, 2016
Friday Aug 26, 2016
Learn which cards Hillary and Donald are really playing with on Energy Stew radio
We're all born to play certain cards in the 52 card deck and they clearly denote our personalities and behaviors.
Our unique cards are based on our birth dates and are uncannily true about us.
The candidates' cards help us understand how they're living their lives and what we can expect from them.
I'm interviewing Alexander Dunlop, an expert about this insightful system of playing cards. He's been on the show many times before and it's amazing how much we can learn about ourselves and others when we apply the cards we're born into.
He's going to give us a detailed analysis of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton so we can see the hands they are playing. You'll learn so much about them and this will explain their idiosyncrasies.
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