
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Energy Stew - How can animals advise us about aging?
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Sandra Mendelson is back again to tell us more about what the animals have to say. They have a lot to tell us about many different subject matters and I've asked Sandra to compile the responses about aging from many different species. Every species has its wise representatives who are capable of conversing with Sandra. Just like humans who aren't all wise, the animals have similar percentages. Many know that Sandra is available and they make themselves known to her. She really knows how to zero in on the most valuable insights they have.
Sandra Mendelson, a reknowned animal communicator, has been hearing from dozens of species about their lives and also how they relate to us. It's surprising how deeply they understand us and there's so much we haven't learned about them because we haven't asked. Fortunately, Sandra has and it's amazing how profound the answers have been. For this show, we've compiled their input about aging so let's see what we can learn from them. Be sure to tune in and enjoy this special opportunity.

Friday Sep 27, 2019
Energy Stew - Are you familiar with the geometry of consciousness?
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
We're talking again with Shelli Joye who can help us understand the way consciousness works. Most people believe, as do traditional scientists, that our brains create our consciousness. Therefore, it can only exist in a reality that has a working brain. Our minds then are limited to what is stored in the brain. She'll talk about how information is stored in a vast implicate universe that we draw from as we pursue our lives in the explicate universe. Our consciousness and information are two different things. It takes our consciousness to draw the information from this universal bank and then add back to it as every thought and experience is recorded and saved. Shelli has profound knowledge of the geometry of the explicate versus the implicate universe and can even describe their measurements. It's information you've probably never heard before. We're limited mostly by our agreement to participate in 3rd dimensional reality and not have multi-dimensional abilities. Shelli will also talk about the teachers and philosophers who understand the doorways to the inner worlds. Shelli has profound knowledge of the geometry of the explicate versus the implicate universe and can even describe their measurements. It's information you've probably never heard before. It's the opportunity to learn where non-local and non-dual space begins because somehow, it has to exist. It's actually within the within. Shelli Renee Joye, is the author of "Developing Supersensible Perception" and takes both a philosophical and scientific approach to help us find our way. It's wonderful to speak with someone who has such profound understandings of non-dual awareness.
Here is another opportunity to hear from one of the most profound guests we've had on Energy Stew. Shelli has a scientific understanding of the different realms of consciousness both in the explicate and implicate worlds. It's fascinating to hear her talk about the great thinkers and scientists who have been the pioneers of deeper thought. Shelii can straddle all worlds as a spiritual scientist with a great grasp of eastern and western forays into the mysteries of life. She has been a dedicated student of the work of Rudolf Steiner, Patanjali and many others. Be sure to tune into this interview with Shelli Renee Joye to learn more about the consciousness process. We'll talk about getting the most out of the reality we live in but haven't been entirely aware of. Maybe we can know of the entirety but, of course, can never fully reach it although it's worth seeking.

Monday Sep 23, 2019
Energy Stew - Are you caught in the Conscious Whole
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
From birth on, we're all in agreement to live in 3rd dimensional reality with all of its limitations. It has many patterns (memes) that society lives by and accepts even if grudgingly. This means to live with many truths that are constantly evolving such as the limitations of illnesses that the medical community wants us to believe so we can be prey to their drugs and surgery. So many of us are programmed to agree with what we're informed about and don't question enough. Many questioners are even vilified and many are called conspiracy theorists. William T Kenny has written a wonderful novel, "The Conscious Whole", where the hero embarks on a dangerous journey to reach beyond the group think that has kept him very ill. In this story, the Conscious Whole is actually very conscious to maintain the status quo and there's great drama that unfolds as the hero is heavily targeted.

Friday Sep 13, 2019
Energy Stew - Forecasting the energy for this Fall
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
We're headed into the Fall with many questions about our future. Of course we'll have to see it to truly believe it but maybe we can have some hints about how it's going to unfold. I've asked Barbara Biziou, a well known spiritual leader from New York who's known as an Urban Priestess and Vision Coach, to help us gain insights. She and I are going to use divining tools to ask the Universe for information. She's also a ritual expert when she works with these tools.
Let's explore what our divining tools can tell us about the near future. We don't always get the most optimistic answers we hope for so it takes brave people to ask. Whatever the answers are, we'll know better how to apply ourselves moving forward towards our highest vision. I'm so glad to have Barbara Biziou to work with on this show. She brings such mastery from her years of experience helping so many people. Join us and let's all apply ourselves to using the information for making this a better world.

Friday Sep 06, 2019
Energy Stew - What happens after children have Near Death Experiences?
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Thousands of children have had Near Death Experiences (NDE's) and it's important to understand what the result is in their lives. Many have them at birth or even in the womb and usually can't recall them. It doesn't matter that they don't remember because the experience of being in another realm changes them forever. Their souls recognize the differences between this world and that and being in a human body living in the third dimension creates unusual problems of relating. It's been shown that the very youngest of children (babies) who have NDE's often develop genius IQ's. To have an NDE before being conditioned by this world is different than older people with them as there's no reference to compare realities. It's easier for older people to figure out how they've changed. The younger ones never had anything to change from. MPH Atwater has made a life study of these children and has unique information to share with us.
MPH Atwater, the author of "The Forever Angels", has not only interviewed children after they've had NDE's but took her research to another level. She surveyed these children after they became adults and asked them what their lives have been like ever since. She received amazing feedback of their stories that showed how they never really recovered to be normal humans. This will be an unusual interview because the information is so helpful to many who might not have never understood why they think and behave the way they do. I'm included in this because I was a blue baby at birth (heart problems) and likely had a brush with the other side during that time. I've always been drawn to the elements of higher consciousness as has my twin brother who had the same birth problem. Maybe some of you have had similar birth issues or know of people who have. Be sure to tune in to this interview to learn more about NDE's in children.

Friday Aug 30, 2019
Energy Stew - Can your thinking bring you to higher worlds?
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
We're talking again with Shelli about the choices we have to advance our thinking and connect with higher and inner resonances. She refers a lot to the writings of Rudolf Steiner about his experiences perceiving other dimensions and the writings of Patanjali, who described the Yoga Sutras. Shelli has profound knowledge of the science of the explicate versus the implicate universe and can even describe their measurements. It's information you've probably never heard before. It's the opportunity to learn where non-local and non-dual space begins because somehow, it has to exist. It's actually within the within. She often refers to the work of the scientists David Bohm and Max Planck. Shelli Renee Joye, is the author of "Developing Supersensible Perception" and takes both a philosophical and scientific approach to help us find our way. It's wonderful to speak with someone who has such profound understandings of non-dual awareness.
Here is another opportunity to hear from one of the most profound guests we've had on Energy Stew. Shelli has a scientific understanding of the different realms of consciousness both in the explicate and implicate worlds. It's fascinating to hear her talk about the great thinkers and scientists who have been the pioneers of deeper thought. Shelii can straddle all worlds as a spiritual scientist with a great grasp of eastern and western forays into the mysteries of life. She has been a dedicated student of the work of Rudolf Steiner and Patanjali and, among other subjects, will explain why the Yoga Sutras were developed. Be sure to tune into this interview with Shelli Renee Joye to learn more about the consciousness process and the histories of its heroes. We'll talk about getting the most out of the reality we live in but haven't been entirely aware of. Maybe we can know of the entirety but, of course, can never fully reach it although it's worth seeking.

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Energy Stew - Have you had a spiritual awakening?
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
We live in a mysterious universe and sometimes it can really surprise us. Joey Nittolo was awakened by voices and visions and thought he was going crazy. He was even hospitalized for a short time. No one could understand what he had become opened to. His old self and values didn't make so much sense to him any more and he knew he had to change his priorities. All of a sudden, he wanted to be a more giving spirit. He gave up a very successful, material life to live in closer contact with the spiritual universe. He also wanted to express his new understandings and developed a podcast, "The Space Between", to explore and express more about spirit. He’s also staging The Space Between Music Festival in September 2020 at the Hatshepsut Temple in Luxor, Egypt. It will be the first of many concerts (to include festivals in Bali and India) to honor sacred sites around the world. These will also help fund programs that support sustainable oceans, and the creation of a line of holistic, healthy products for lowincome families who can’t afford the kind of products available at high-end grocers.
We're in a time of great change and for many of us, it includes changes in consciousness. Joey Nittolo underwent such a profound change he was sure there was something wrong with him and so did all those around him. He had awakened into a multi-dimensional state of being and had to learn all about it. Many of us have had strong awakenings and some are more prepared than others. This show will help if and when it happens to you. Be sure to tune in and hear Joey Nittolo talk about his very strange experiences and how they moved him forward in life. He had to change most of what he knew.

Friday Aug 16, 2019
Energy Stew - Are you developing your supersensible perception?
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
We've all learned to consciously perceive reality using our 5 senses. On an unconscious level, we're perceiving much more than that and don't normally realize it. There have been schools and teachers who have taught us to tap into this deeper consciousness and many of us have gotten good at it. Are you good at it too? Certainly, we can all get better. There's no end to how deep we can go as our perceptions can be more and more fine tuned. The yoga sutras tell us that we can reach a state called "samadhi". Yoga itself is considered a "link" to this deeper world. My guest, Shelli Renee Joye, the author of "Developing Supersensible Perception" takes both a philosophical and scientific approach to help us find our way. It's wonderful to speak with someone who has such profound understandings of nondual awareness.
We all believe we have reliable perception and are aware of what we need to live a fulfilling life. But, are we getting the most of what life has to offer? What if there's a lot more that we haven't noticed? Maybe we can take our awareness to a deeper level. How much deeper can it go? Be sure to tune into this interview with Shelli Renee Joye to learn more about the consciousness process and the eastern and western histories of its heroes. We'll talk about getting the most out of the reality we live in but aren't entirely aware of.

Friday Aug 09, 2019
Energy Stew - Can you live in flow a lot better? Maybe so
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Sky is back and we're talking more about the nature of flow in our lives. How can we best live in flow and what does it do for us? Many of us think that flow is what we meditate and do yoga for. Of course that's true but maybe there's flow moving in our lives all the time and we just don't know enough about it. Perhaps everyone should be taught about the power of flow that's always at work and learn how to flow with it better. Ideally in life, we don't need to ever think about it as it's just a natural way of being. Sky Nelson-Isaacs, the author of "Living in Flow", has studied it for many years so it's great to hear from someone who has a deeper understanding. You'll be amazed at how synchronicity works with flow and how powerful that is in your life but you're not always conscious of it.

Friday Aug 02, 2019
Energy Stew - Here's some more insight from the angels
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
We talk a lot about angels but how many people have had active conversations with them? How are they heard, and how do we know exactly who we're hearing from? Adria Estribou is back on the show to let the angels tell us more. We have some important questions for them to answer. What kind of information can they give us? How far seeing are they? Certainly, if you're a non-believer, you won't even listen to the interview with her. But, maybe listening will end up making you a believer. You can also hear Adria's mindset about what she hears.