
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Energy Stew - Exploring deeper into the nature of consciousness
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021

Friday Apr 23, 2021
Energy Stew - The journey to become a consciousness explorer
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
We're talking again with Shelli Joye who can help us understand how energies stimulate our consciousness. She describes new scientific information about the nature of thought. In this interview, we'll talk about her early experiences discovering shifts in reality which showed her that normal mental impressions are very limited and our minds have more potential than we know. There are infinite realities our minds can access that we're usually not exposed to. The opportunity of these exposures through meditation or psychotropics can guide us to recognize how limited neuroscience has been about brain function. Her new book, "The Electromagnetic Brain", describes the scientific evolution to understand how our awareness functions and the 12 brilliant scientists who have contributed to this path.

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Energy Stew - Descriptions of particular Human Design traits you all have
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021

Friday Apr 09, 2021
Energy Stew - How do your birth cards challenge your self-criticism?
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
There's always more to know about the way cards work in our lives. Alexander and I have done many shows about them. We're always playing our birth cards anyway so let's find out how our lives are guided by them. In life, we're always challenged to become our best selves and our birth cards leave us wide open. Whatever cards we're born to are the vibes we give off and as impressed as some people are, others are responding with "Oh yeah?". We'll look at all the cards and suits to explain how they not only create doubts from others, but also how those doubts create our own self-criticism.. You can learn about your own card by going to Alexander's WEBSITE and put in your birth date. It'll immediately show you your birth card. Alexander Dunlop, the author of "Play Your Cards Right", is a great ambassador of this amazing system

Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021

Friday Mar 26, 2021
Energy Stew - The angels will answer hard questions about these hard times
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
We talk a lot about angels but how many people have had active conversations with them? Do you hear from them? Do they actively respond to you? Many people are highly intuitive but only some are oracles of the Universe. Adria Estribou is back on the show to speak with and from the angels, Ariel and Raphael, about this painful time we're in and how best to live in it. The interest for this show is to have them respond to difficult questions about why life is so extreme these days. One of the important questions for them is to help us understand the nature and purpose of seemingly evil people. Who are they in the greater realm of the Universe? The angels will surely help us find some clarity and more than hope moving forward. It's important to hear their messages to understand what we're evolving through and even the eventual outcome for all of us. Tune in for some help from above.

Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021

Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
There is a lot of new consciousness about transgenderism and it's showing up in broad spectrums of our population. It's definitely not new but the broad openness about it is. Paria Hassouri's son, until he was a teenager, hadn't been clear or conversational about his desire to be a girl. Paria didn't know what to make of his sudden clarity that he had to transition and it was a step by step process to become convinced that she now had a new daughter. Her book "Found in Transition, a Mother's Evolution During Her Child's Gender Change", really examines the understandings of sexual identity and the truths when change is necessary. Paria is an MD Pediatrician and explored this very carefully. There's so much to learn in her book. To help interview Paria, I asked Shelli Joye, a transgender woman and author who's been on my show many times, to help. She brings a lot of her own wisdom into the conversation.
I'm so excited to be interviewing Paria Hassouri, the author of "Found in Transition, a Mother's Evolution During Her Child's Gender Change". This is an important topic in today's world as gender change is becoming more recognized. Shelli Joye will be joining me as co-host and brings a lot of expertise into this as she herself transitioned but as a middle aged person. Paria's book helps us understand the deep and committed nature about transitioning and then living with a different gender than birth. It's not new and older societies used to be much more welcoming to transgendered people. Because of its long history and much the public do

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Energy Stew - Human Design analysis of our six national leaders
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
I'll be reading the personality traits from Human Design software about the 6 major government leaders; Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, McCarthy, and McConnell. Be ready for a lot of details. Their birth data is available and I printed out their charts with the personality descriptions they were born with. I already had my own opinions as I'm sure you do but there were a lot of nuances that were new insights for me and I'm sure for you too. You'll see that a lot of what you thought about them was real and will wonder if I had any role in influencing the information. It was all objective although you'll hear me make a few comments about what I'm reading from the printouts which you'll know are my own.
We're all born into specific and intricate personality traits that stay with us. The descriptions in our Human Design come from the details of the Chinese I'Ching. After 19 years as an analyst, I've learned they are on target. Let's see what you think about how on target the traits are for our major government leaders. I'll read out their most relevant ones and I think you'll really appreciate their insights. After this, you'll know a bit better what to expect of them. It'll be fun to watch them fulfill the personalities they chose to be born to. The I'Ching holds the full spectrum of life so there are many possibilites and we can be born into great traits and horrible traits. Let's see what shows up here.

Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
We're back again to talk with Ole Dammegard about his latest understandings of the mechanics behind the scenes of our world. There are many stories we're supposed to believe and it's hard to know who to trust. There's so much that we question and often to others we're in strong disagreement with. There are dozens of conspiracy theories and some of them are very true yet many aren't. Most people are not questioning the information they are fed by the authorities of one major camp or another and do their best to cooperate with mainstream ideas and actions or the pronouncements of different cults. Some of us are natural skeptics and regularly stir the pot of "normalcy". Ole is a world famous conspiracy investigator and dives into stories that might appear beyond belief. In this interview, we're going to talk about hidden forces at play in this world, how we can identify their plans, and how to stay balanced and whole. We live in a world we couldn't have imagined and yet lfie's energies are still available for us to sense what we can know is wrong. We all have to find our own opinions and it's better to be the most aware that we can. How is your consciousness able to identify truth through all this confusion?
It's a treat to speak with Ole Dammegard again who is a powerful, sacrificing sleuth of many conspiracies we hear about. He lives in great danger to expose what is really true or not about hidden dangers in the world we could be living with. Tune in to hear this very unique guest who has amazing information to talk about.