
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Energy Stew - You can tap your way through the holidays
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Steve Gottlieb is back and will talk about managing emotional stresses we may find ourselves in during this very social season. Even if everything is going well, it's a busy time and can lead to overwhelm. Tapping (EFT) is great to shift your energy and find new strength and calm. For many, there are a multitude of holiday factors including parties, food, gifts, transportation and just getting along with family, friends, associates and even strangers. Managing health issues during this challenging time can also be greatly helped by tapping.
Steve Gottlieb, an expert EFT practitioner and I are going to talk about the ways in which we tap to change our mood and even physiology.
We've programmed ourselves to handle stress in often stressful ways and It's really helpful to root out and cancel these programs. This can be done using muscle testing to see what ideas you can hold or not and if your mind doesn't agree with your positive statements it will weaken you. That means your positive ideas aren't scripted to support you and you need to change the way your brain holds them.
Not all of us have access to muscle testing but we can discern when stress is getting the best of us and we can own up to being too stressed. We can tap directly for that. You can go to Steve's website to learn all the techniques.
Tapping and making affirmative statements at the same time can help erase the unconscious script and write new ones.
Tune in to learn more about this wonderful process that can free you during this emotional time.
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