
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Energy Stew - What are your souls telling you to do now?
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Are we all in a breakdown in order to break through? Is this the time our souls have been waiting for in order to live closer to our purposes? Catherine Carrigan, the author of many best sellers including her new book, "Reading the Soul", will talk with us about the new opportunities we are all in. Maybe the turmoil in today's society will be the impetus to find our truest natures. We might not have thought we'd need such severe situations to chart better courses but here we all are and wondering what's next. This is the time to listen more deeply to our souls. Don't miss this great chance to hear from Catherine about the potentials of today.
Join us for a talk on our soul's journey at this time in human travails. We're being asked to travel deep into our unique soul needs and purposes and learn how we're to travel forward. Catherine Carrigan is a soul reader and can help us hear from this better part of ourselves.