Saturday Jan 04, 2014
Energy Stew - Robert Augustus Masters - 1/04/14
Saturday Jan 04, 2014
Saturday Jan 04, 2014
Our difficult emotions seem to be such a problem in life and it would appear best to live without them. The struggle is actually our greatest opportunity to discover the richness in life by climbing deep into our souls for answers.
I'm interviewing Robert Augustus Masters, the author of "Emotional Intimacy" and many other books about emotions. In his book, and this interview, he dissects many important emotions that we experience to help us know them better and work with them more effectively. Often we live in a jumble of emotions and this can aid us in clarifying them and even a combination of them.
Some of our feelings aren't really our pure emotions but our story about them which ends up confusing us more and we become less likely to untangle ourselves.
Tune into this very insightful program to learn more about yourself and what you're carrying around. You'll feel a lot lighter and more powerful from it.
You can listen to the show when it airs on Saturday at Noon or listen to the archive.