
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Energy Stew - Interview about the pandemic with Dr Jane Goldberg
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
There's so much info on the internet about this current pandemic and it can become very confusing. The person I always go to for the bottom line is Jane Goldberg, the author of 9 books and owner of La Casa Spa and Wellness Center in Manhattan. Not only does she have the most up-to-date information, she's often way ahead of the rest of us. So much of what's new in the health and wellness field I've learned from her over the many years we've known each other.
Dr. Jane Goldberg has always been a mentor to me as I find her an expert about so many subjects. Naturally, when it came to this difficult era we're in, I thought she would have the best insights with the most profound and current information.
Tune in to hear about what's going on in ways that can bring greater clarity and comfort.
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