
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Energy Stew - How your psyche is helped by homeopathy
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Homeopathy has many important uses. It works at very deep levels of our psyches and can help smooth out many psychological traumas.
In its hayday, there were many successful homeopathic hospitals that were very popular. An early purpose of the AMA was to attack that popularity and gain the market.
Homeopathic remedies are not one size fits all and they work best when an analysis is done of one's personality and history.
They are a great tool if you want to get rid of your emotional kinks. They also work on physical levels and remedies can be purchases in stores for everyday maladies.
Jerry Kantor is a dedicated practitioner and has written a couple of books. He was a guest on a previous show to talk about his book, "Sane Asylums, The Success of Homeopathy Before Psychiatry Lots its Mind".
An earlier book he wrote is "The Toxic Relationship Cure", which looks at many solutions to different emotional conflicts.