
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Energy Stew - How is time experienced in higher dimensions?
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Many of us believe in life on the other side and have had many experiences to shore up that belief. Some people have had Near Death Experiences or hypnotic regressions back into life between lives. Some have had lucid dreams and others might have had astral travels. Some people have had teachings about it and others might just have a natural knowing. It fascinates me to understand how life can be conducted on the other side. What does it look like and how do we connect and communicate with others there? Among my questions, I've tried to understand how time is experienced there. How do they keep track of time? How could they have clocks? It's apparently a non-local space so where would its time location be? I've asked Terri Lynn Segal to pose that question to her brother on the other side and with and for whom she wrote her book, "Never Parted".