
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Lisa Denton is a close friend who I feel has a great understanding of our human journey and how it's managing this current time. Lisa was the president of the Lightfield Foundation and worked with me to help develop its technology to harmonize consciousness. She has profound intuitive abilities which assist her in recognizing how universal multi-dimensionality functions to move humanity forward. Lisa will talk about the contrasts in life and how to recognize the ways the joy reveals itself. Joy is a deeper, more profound place than happiness and allows us to appreciate our darks times and how they drive us to more light. Joy can be the appreciation of allowing us to feel much more deeply. Lisa's a wonderful teacher and wants to help everyone become more skillful dealing with challenges we face. She also leads 2 meditation and discussion groups each week that you're welcome to join.
Lisa Denton will share her great insights about joy and life's purpose that helps us strive to create it. It's the contrasts of life that help us appreciate it the most and Lisa will talk about living in the journey that brings us the most satisfaction. This is an excellent time to see beyond the current darknesses and believe more in who we are and how love and compassion can bring us more peace. You'll be inspired by her words. Be sure to tune into this show and hear from a fascinating guest.