
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Energy Stew - Hearts and spades will make the holidays sing with feeling
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Monday Dec 17, 2018
The holidays are a time of deep feelings of all kinds. They certainly play out differently for everyone as we are all living different life stories. Those stories are amplified when there are so many social gatherings and most are very meaningful. Holiday spirit can be very uplifting which can help many people who are having a tough time. Whether you're on the giving or receiving end, or both, it's the time to connect deeply with all those around you, even strangers. I love being out on Christmas or New Years Eve when so many people are well wishing everyone they come into contact with or initiate contact with.
I think it's fascinating to learn that each year, beginning on December 18th, all 13 Heart cards play out, card by card, to the 30th. Each day is a different heart card. Christmas Day is the 6 which is the card of heart responsibility and we're drawn to make the day count. It's also a time when we judge whose heart isn't or hasn't been responsible which can create too much drama between us at that moment. December 31st is the only day of the Joker Card. It's a time when our lives are exposed to us and we think about our year. January 1st starts the full suit of Spades beginning with the King which is the mastery of consciousness so it's surely the best day to create resolutions. Tune in to hear from Alexander Dunlop, our card master, to learn more about this powerful, emotional time and how to play these cards right. He's the author of "Play Your Cards Right" and can help us get through this time. To find out what birth card you are playing, go to lifeelevated.life and provide your birth date to know your unique birth card.