
Friday May 10, 2019
Energy Stew - Does your soul really choose its tragedies?
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
We learn so much from regressive hypnosis and looking back in time to see where we've been and what we've done. We can obtain an almost endless history of past lives and souls who have traveled with us. One of the most meaningful experiences is traveling back to our life between lifetimes. Most people have no idea that we can actually experience being in meetings before we were born and see how we were planning for this life. What does it feel like to be with souls and advisors you haven't met in this life but know deeply from you past soul journeys? On the other side, we're with guides and counselors who help us look back to see how we've grown from a previous life and help us look forward to see what options can await in a subsequent life. We really do make plans for our future lives and even make agreements with other souls who'll be there with us. What will their jobs be? Sometimes they're responsible for the tragedies in our lives.