
Saturday Aug 31, 2013
Energy Stew - Are You Happy Now? - 08/31/13
Saturday Aug 31, 2013
Saturday Aug 31, 2013
Happiness is one of the top priorities of life and we'd all like to maximize it. Unfortunately, it can also be very elusive and inconsistent. Barbara Berger has written the book "Are You Happy Now?" and since we've been learning that now is all that really counts, we can certainly see the opportunity here.
What I like most about Barbara's book is her list of the 10 ways we can sabotage our happiness. Of course we can find steps to increase happiness by being more optimistic and counting our blessings, but maybe we can be happier by learning how to stop doing the things that wreck it.
I think you'll appreciate this interview with Barbara as we discuss behaviors we can change. Be sure to tune in and learn new ways to happify your life.
The show is also podcast via I-tunes for those of you with I-Pods. Just go to progressiveradionetwork.com and click on the I-Tunes button and you'll see "Energy Stew" on the page. Click on that and you'll be freely subscribed to get a weekly automatic download of the show.
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