
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Outliers are people who don't adhere to the norms. They know how to think for themselves. You likely, as a listener to this show, are an outlier yourself. Dr. Jane Goldberg, also an outlier, has been a pioneer of new ideas and technologies and for decades, I've learned a lot from her and when I want to learn about the latest greatest innovations, I turn to her. She's a practicing psychotherapist, has written 9 books and also runs a holistic spa, La Casa Spa and Wellness Center in Manhattan and Puerto Rico. She'll be speaking with us about a lot of unique healing modes including the Hocatt and hormesis.
Dr. Jane Goldberg has always been a mentor to me as I find her an expert about so many subjects. She often surprises me with new healing opportunities and truths.
Tune in to hear about what's going on in ways that can bring greater clarity for our progress.
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