Saturday Feb 22, 2014
Energy Stew - A Travel Guide To The Heavens - 2/22/14
Saturday Feb 22, 2014
Saturday Feb 22, 2014
How much do we really know about heaven? Perhaps a lot of hope and guessing. Many people have experienced heavenly realms through hypnotic trance and others through NDE's (near death experiences) yet each in themselves are not elaborate studies of life out there although there have been compilations of them.
My guests, Stefanie S. Darrell and Darren Knight are astral travelers with years of journeying in other dimensions. Stefanie has been working with her travel guide, the spirit master John Montgomery, for 34 years. He has taken her on regular tours. Her son Darren also works with John out there.
They've been on the show before and always have a lot of information about the workings of the heavens. You also can read Stefanie's book, "Seven Glorious Days in Heaven" which intricately follows a relative of hers after he has passed on.
Be sure to tune in so you can be more heaven informed.
You can also go to the archives website after the show airs on Saturday at Noon and listen to it there or download it from there and wander through previous shows to listen to or download too.
Here's the link to the archive page. ARCHIVES